We need an old priest and a young priest. We're throwing a good old fashioned EXORCISM on a restaurant that DESPERATELY needs it!max von sydow priest GIF

This restaurant/building has been home to...

  • Ruby Tuesday
  • Buca Di Beppo
  • Hash House A Go Go

DEAD. DEAD. AND DEAD! There's something SCARY going on in this building. It's a pretty great location! It's located right in the parking lot of the Red Cliffs Mall. RIGHT on Red Cliffs Drive. PRIME LOCATION! What is the problem here?

Ruby Tuesday had a bar, burgers, chicken, steak, salads, seafood. Something for everyone. And it failed.
Buca Di Beppo roughly translates to "Joe's Small Hole"... UH... I don't love that. But alright. They served Family Style Italian Food. LOTS of food. LOTS of money.
Hash House A Go Go was farm fresh food with a major twist! Pancakes the size of a beach ball, giant burgers, bacon on bacon on bacon, and WILD drinks! Hash House was fun. I believed it would be the place that breaks the curse... I was wrong.
Hash House A Go Go is officially OUT at the location, and it's only a matter of time until a new place gets their heart broken and fails in this location... BUT it doesn't have to be that way!
GIF by FBC Milton
What restaurant should go into this building? What restaurant could BREAK THE CURSE?

Cheesecake Factory:
Everyone loves a Cheesecake Factory. The location seems a touch small in comparison to other Cheesecake Factory's... But I don't care. That could save it! That could reverse the curse!

We used to have a Sizzler in St. George when I was a kid. Located on St. George BLVD where Alta Bank is located. I LOVE SIZZLER! Plus... All the old timers do too! That could be a BIG WIN at this haunted location.

Waffle House:
I've never had a waffle at 3 am, but you know what? I WANT THE OPTION OF A WAFFLE AT 3 am! Plus... Imagine the fights that we would witness if Waffle House moved into this spot!

Gif Credit: Giphy.com

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