YIKES: The WORST Items To Buy At The D.I. In St. George!
If you've been around Southern Utah for a while, you've more than likely stopped by a little thrift store called "Deseret Industries" or as some know it as "The D.I." It's certainly the most popular thrift store in town, and definitely the most popular in the state. Most every bigger city in Utah has their own D.I. Now, if you've been inside the D.I., you'll know that it can be a little dirty, and you can also find some pretty interesting items!
Here are some of the WORST THINGS that you can buy at the D.I. in St. George:
Furniture that is CLEARLY broken:
2/3 of this couch is okay... but that 1/3 is so badly broken that unless you want a spring up your keister, don't even waste your money on this thing!
Baby Teething Toys (with possible human feces on it):
Come on! These are going in your baby's mouths! You can get some brand new ones at Walmart right now for a couple bucks. Don't do this to your baby, guys!
A Wig:
This one is tough... My mom fought cancer in 2020 and lost all her hair. I know how badly someone can feel about themselves without hair, but this ain't it! I probably risked some lice in trying it on... but even then, we can find better wigs than the D.I. can offer.
Shower Chair:
A shower chair is really nice, until you realize someones naked BUTT and more have been sitting on this chair. That's too much for me.
Loofahs To Scrub Your Body:
COME ON! A LOOFAH?! This once scrubbed someone's *AREAS* in the shower, and now you're going to put it on yours?! NO!
Puzzles are a no-go for obvious reasons! There is NO WAY all 550 pieces of this puzzle are in the box. I would be flipping my table over at 3:00am when I've finished the puzzle and there's 17 missing pieces!
ANYTHING shaped like this...:
I'm not going to say too much about this except for... THERE ARE SOME SICK PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD! If something is shaped LIKE THIS... Just leave it. You don't need it.
Homemade Art That's Missing An Entire Piece:
Not only would the entire artwork cost you $4.25, but it's missing an entire quarter of it! How did the D.I. not just throw this thing in the dumpster?! Who would seriously buy this anyway, EVEN if it was a complete set?!
This Trophy Holds So Many Questions:
This trophy was once awarded to the "Best Family", but now it's at the D.I. What happened? Did they get dethroned? Did the family get divorced? If I bought this for my family, are we now named "Hollywood's Best Family"?
Cups That Have Straws:
I'm extremely weird about cups and silverware, but I'll be okay with buying them... BUT, what I'm not okay with is STRAWS! I'm not sucking where someone else was sucking! Plus, straws are REALLY hard to clean! I'm always worried someone is peeing in stuff, and I'm definitely assuming someone peed in this straw!
No, this isn't a men's leopard bikini. This is a swimsuit, which is essentially underwear that you pee in. SO MANY PEOPLE pee in pools, so buying a swimsuit at the D.I. is a no for me, dawg.
This thing:
As a man, I'm not exactly sure what this is. But I know it's an underwear that holds everything in. It really gets up inside you, and for that... NO WAY. That's way too close for comfort!
Couples Retreat Glass 2014:
Why would you buy this, unless you were ACTUALLY at this couples retreat? It also brings some sadness, thinking that the couples retreat 10 years ago didn't work out and the couple has broken up!
This glass that looks like it held pee for years:
I don't know anything about glassware, maybe it turns pee-yellow after so many years. Like I said before... I'm always assuming that people are peeing in stuff, and for this, there's no exception. WHY IS IT YELLOW?!
This obviously haunted little Santa Claus:
This little Santa Claus was giving me incredibly BAD VIBES. Is he haunted? He's definitely a little creepy, especially sitting next to a gorgeous Santa Claus.
These Shoes:
There's nothing wrong with these shoes... except for these shoes are an abomination. WHO MADE THESE SHOES? WHO BOUGHT THESE SHOES?! HOW DO THEY EXIST?

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