The airport.

According to (link to full article)

The Salt Lake airport has its own liquor license that functions like restaurants in other states. Here's what the article says:

"The fine print: There are three freedoms that coexist at airport restaurants and virtually no other dining or drinking establishment in the state.

  • You can order a drink without ordering food.
  • Families are allowed to bring kids.
  • You can buy alcohol starting at 8am, rather than waiting until 11:30am at the state's other restaurants (or 10:30am on weekends and holidays)." (Link to full Axios article)

There are those who say that drinking at 8am is a sign that you're about to be rushed by friends and family and taken to a facility. But it's weird how in an airport anything goes. Once you get through security it's like your out at sea or something. The clock goes international and time doesn't apply. There are people there from Denmark and Japan and wherever else so people aren't going to judge you for getting blitzed at 8am because it's not 8am to them.

The problem is you can't get to the booze without getting a ticket. So this couldn't be a part of your daily routine. I don't think they have restaurants or bars outside of security. So another way to do it is to just go to the liquor store the night before and get drunk at your own house at breakfast. I'm not recommending that, I'm just saying an airport TGI Friday's isn't the only place you can have a beer with you're breakfast.

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