Yard sale season is creeping up on Southern Utah, here are some tips to help you succeed as a shopper.

Yard Sale Items
Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash

Dave wrote an article on how to host a yard sale successfully and the link is posted below. It includes some great tips you should know if you are planning on hosting a yard sale this year.

Read More: 3 Things That Will Make Your Utah Yard Sale Successful

But, what about those of us who will be shopping at a yard sale?

Here are 3 strategies for succeeding as a shopper during the fun and adventurous yard sale season:

Yard Sale List

Have a List:
Prepare a list written or mental of things you are looking for. This will help you focus, there might be some yard sales that you skip right by because it is obvious that they don't have what you are looking for.

Early Start
Photo by Ashley Jaynes on Unsplash

Start early:
The treasures get scooped up early. This is part of the reason for the first tip, if you are looking for specific items you will be more efficient and get to more sales during those enviable early hours. Plus, the weather will be nicer for the next while in the mornings.

Be Kind

Be Kind:
While you obviously want the best deal you can get, remember that some of the items were once treasured. Be kind, treat the merchandise with respect and don't be too eager to talk them down on price, let it be a two way give and take. If you don't want the item politely decline and set it back the way you found it.

Hopefully these simple tips will help you as you scour the sidewalks looking for that set of inline skates with matching knee pads.

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