Bringing Your Brain Activity Into Focus 

Do you have trouble turning off your brain so you can fall asleep? Technology that was invented for professional athletes that measures their brain wave activity is now being used to help people get to sleep. 

It is a headband that gives neurofeedback by measuring brainwave activity. Because it gives real time information on what the brain is doing, you can see what activities calm your brain. This helps you develop better behavioral habits. 

Stress Increases Brain Activity and Increased Focus Can Calm It 

When you are feeling the weight of the day’s problems, your mind becomes stressed. The headband lets you know that your brain is active. Taking time to meditate and think through solutions and gain perspective slows the brain and the headband lets you know it is working. 

Those who promote the headband say this will train you when and how to calm yourself. Before long you will begin to naturally go to these behaviors when it is time to sleep and even when you are feeling stressed during the day. 

Read More: People In Utah Are Trying This New Trend When They Can’t Sleep

Maybe you need to put a stress reducing headband on your list. They are fairly expensive with prices ranging from $300 to $500 dollars. Just thinking about the cost may keep you up at night.

Of course, once you are good at it, you can rent it out and teach classes to others. See how good this works? I haven't even bought the headband and it is already giving me a better perspective.

KEEP READING: 15 Natural Ways to Improve Your Sleep

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