Can You Take Too Many Vitamins? 

Vitamins are great right? Mom was always asking if we took them, and the cereal box lists a bunch they have added to make that bowl full of sugar bombs healthy. Turns out you can overdo a good thing. It can become toxic if you get too much of some vitamins. 

According to this article on the subject, it isn’t the vitamins we get from eating a balanced diet that can be too much, it is when we take supplements of specific ones. This isn’t the multivitamins recommended by physicians or dieticians that are usually well balanced. 

Four Vitamins That Are Fat Soluble  

In the article they talk to Krista Matthews who is a dietician from Ohio State University. Here are the four vitamins that you should be careful with: 

Vitamin A. Too much of this vitamin can make you feel lethargic and can also affect your heart and bones. 

Vitamin D. Getting too much can lead to dehydration, kidney stones and confusion. 

Vitamin E. This can interfere with your body's ability to absorb other vitamins and can cause increased bleeding. 

Vitamin K. It can affect your liver and should never be taken if you are on blood thinners. It can reverse what they are intended to do. 

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Of course, you should always consult your physician if you have questions about what you are taking. And that would be good to do if you are gulping down all kinds of vitamin supplements no matter what mom always said. 

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