Is Eastern Oregon Having A Discussion We Should Have In Utah?
There's an interesting discussion going on now in eastern Oregon. It seems there is a group there that is tired of all of the political power concentrated in and coming from Portland. So the group has started a grassroots movement. They are not looking to succeed from Oregon and form a new state. No, their effort is to have the state lines redrawn, and move the counties of eastern Oregon into the state of Idaho.
At a glance, that probably sounds kind of nutty, right? But consider the thoughts of Thomas Jefferson in the opening of the Declaration of Independence.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political which have connected them with another....a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The group Greater Idaho is providing the list of causes to the voters of the region, and so far they are meeting with some success. 13 counties in east Oregon have passed some manner of a Greater Idaho measure, generally supporting efforts to open negotiations between the two states on moving the state line.
Dissolving political bands that connect one people to another to form a new political entity is a significant and profound act, driven by compelling reasons rooted in the quest for self-determination, justice, and better governance. This transformative step often arises when existing political structures fail to meet the needs and aspirations of a population, necessitating a reevaluation of the political relationship and a pursuit of autonomy.
Though I have no idea about the ultimate outcome of the effort in Oregon, there are significant things to be considered.
The pursuit of self-determination is a fundamental reason for dissolving political connections. When a group of people shares distinct cultural, linguistic, or historical identities that differ from the larger political entity, the desire to govern themselves and preserve their unique heritage becomes paramount. Self-determination allows these groups to establish a political entity that reflects their specific values, traditions, and priorities, fostering a sense of unity and belonging.
The failure of the existing political structure to ensure justice and protect rights can compel the dissolution of political bands. When the government becomes oppressive, discriminatory, or neglectful, failing to uphold the principles of equality and justice, the affected population may seek to form a new political entity that guarantees these rights.
I suspect that is the feeling of the Greater Idaho movement.
It seems when someone mentions moving state lines or succession of a state from the nation, they become marginalized. But are not Jefferson's words as true today as the day they were written?
What if the day comes when we find ourselves in southern Utah so at odds with those in the seat of power here in Utah, that we feel we need to be separate from them?
I'm not advocating for that nor am I advocating that the Greater Idaho movement could or should take effect. But, if we dismiss the ability to even enter into a discussion on these things, we will have turned our backs on some of the principles that established our nation.
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Gallery Credit: Parker Kane & Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
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