It's a Friday and you are grabbing some extra cash from the ATM for a weekend at the bars and a night out on the town.  

It's a little later in the evening reaching dusk and you’re heading back to your car when you hear footsteps behind you. Your head swivels and two strangers with dark hoodies are a few feet behind you.  

Pulling your keys into your hand you speed up hoping it's just your imagination when you hear, “Give me the cash”.  

This is a robbery but it's also a growing trend across the U.S. known as jugging. People who leave banks or ATMs with a wad of cash are becoming victims more frequently and Utah could be next.  

The procedure is simple. You leave the place where you got the cash and thieves follow close behind hoping to get your hard-earned money.  

No one wants to be robbed for obvious reasons and with this growing trend, carrying cash on you is becoming even more terrifying. So, the simplest way to avoid this is to not use cash. Many people rarely have need of it nowadays and use credit or debit cards. 

If you do need to withdraw cash, make sure it's during a busy time of day and be aware of your surroundings when leaving an ATM or bank. If possible, park nearby or go with a friend. 

These growing crime trends are concerning, and Utah could be next. Stay safe and keep tabs on where this trend is moving to.  


States of Violence: Violent Crime Per 100,000 Ranking by State

The DeMayo Law Office recently combed through the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crime Data Explorer to determine which state had the most violent crime over five years (2018 - 2022.) Here's the complete list, counting down to the most violent state in America.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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