Loneliness Is Killing Utahns And Its Only Getting Worse
In an age of technology and working from home, people across the world are feeling lonely.
Utah is no exception to this, and it only seems to be getting worse. The Utah Health Status Update showed that children and adults are suffering from loneliness. People aren’t just feeling more isolated, they are isolated.
Since the pandemic, people have spent more time alone at home than with friends, PBS reported in 2023. Utah’s number reflects this too. Roughly 9.2% of youth were reported to be “severely socially isolated”. This number reflects groups like transgender youths, gay and lesbian, multiple races, females, Hispanic/Latino and when families have less than five meals together a week.
The U.S. Surgeon General called attention to lack of community and isolation in the country in 2023, but nothing seems to be happening to fix it.
PBS said that loneliness has become an epidemic. The rate is over 60% of people in the U.S. feeling isolated which is higher than both diabetes and obesity rates in the country.
Feeling lonely impacts one's physical and mental health. Those who are actively a part of a community tend to live longer and have happier and healthier lives, PBS said.
So, What Can Utahns Do to Feel Less Isolated?
Laurie Santos, a Yale University cognitive scientist and psychology professor said that we need to remember that this is everyone's problem. Chances are that people you know and even family are also feeling isolated and lonely. It may feel stigmatizing, like there is an issue with you but right now, this is a common reality.
Connect with those closest to you like family or friends. Find time in your busy schedule to really sit down and connect with people. Don’t look at your phone but listen and talk.
Another recommendation Santos made is to bring back third-party places. Like watching a sports game at a pub with friends or heading to the mall and grabbing a bite. It is easy to stay at home and stream your favorite show alone. Sometimes, it may even be needed.
However, making connecting a priority is necessary in Utah and the world for overall better health and sense of community.
Humans are social creatures, and community has fallen to the wayside. Let's bring it back.
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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams