bbq pit stop

BBQers Rejoice In Grand Reopening of St. George BBQ Pit Stop
BBQers Rejoice In Grand Reopening of St. George BBQ Pit Stop
BBQers Rejoice In Grand Reopening of St. George BBQ Pit Stop
It was a landmark day in St. George for those who like to cook meat in a variety of BBQ ways -- the BBQ Pit Stop, which closed more than a month ago, reopened to fanfare, a car show and free food. The store, which doesn't sell BBQ'ed food, but rather supplies so customers can make their own BBQ at home, ran for nearly three years with owner Troy Poll...
Iconic BBQ Pit Stop Store Closing For Good This Weekend
Iconic BBQ Pit Stop Store Closing For Good This Weekend
Iconic BBQ Pit Stop Store Closing For Good This Weekend
Troy Poll said he's lost track at how many times someone has come into his store looking for a plate of BBQ. "I always tell them we don't sell BBQ, but we do sell the stuff so you can make great BBQ yourself," said Poll, who has owned the BBQ Pit Stop since its opening in April of 2020...