citizens academy

Get Inside Look At The Police With Washington Citizens Academy
Get Inside Look At The Police With Washington Citizens Academy
Get Inside Look At The Police With Washington Citizens Academy
Always wondered what a police officer is thinking right before a traffic stop? Or what constitutes probable cause for a search of your vehicle? In what situations are canine officers called in? At what point is use of force not only allowed, but expected when it comes to arresting a suspect ...
Still time to register for the St. George 2020 Citizens Academy
There is still time to register for the upcoming St. George 2020 Citizens Academy. ******************************************************************************************************************************** The St. George Police Department is accepting applications for its 2020 Citizens Academy, which gives residents an opportunity to interact with officers to better understand the structure,
UPDATE: 2020 Citizens Academy allows St. George residents to gain insight into Police Department
There is still time to register for the upcoming St. George 2020 Citizens Academy. ******************************************************************************************************************************** The St. George Police Department is accepting applications for its 2020 Citizens Academy, which gives residents an opportunity to interact with officers to better understand the structure,