It feels like it happens every Spring... The water in Gunlock Reservoir stars to spill over the gorgeous red rocks and creates some unbelievable waterfalls for all of us to see. This Spring is no different. Sitting about 15 miles from downtown St...
One of the prettiest sights you'll ever see is the raging and majestic falls at Gunlock when the snowmelt is in full runoff mode.
Social media was flooded with incredible images of Gunlock Falls as locals and tourists alike enjoyed the beauty and awe-inspiring movement of the roaring water...
About 9 a.m. today, just as I was starting the Andy Griffin Show, the National Weather Service issued a flood watch for Washington County. From the NWS:
"Moderate to heavy rain will fall on a deep, primed snowpack in the headwaters of the Virgin River, Paria, Kanab Creek, and Buckskin, leading to increased snow melt and runoff...
Dozens of local volunteers decided to take matters into their own hands after seeing Gunlock State Park trashed with litter by visitors over the weekend. They gathered Tuesday morning to help park rangers clean it up.
The effort was spearheaded by St
Before noon Sunday, Sand Hollow and Quail Creek state parks had reached capacity and closed to new boaters and beach crowds.
The parks will continue to monitor capacity in the coming days in order to assess whether or not they can allow in new customers