Lady Tigers, Lady Panthers, Lady Flyers, Lady Warriors, Lady Reds, Lady Falcons, Lady Mustangs, Lady Wolves.
I grew up playing sports. I played baseball and basketball for Pine View, then basketball for Desert Hills, THEN basketball at Piute High School in Piute County, Utah...
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (KDXU) - More Utah schools are moving to virtual learning after officials' concerns with rising COVID-19 cases.
The Salt Lake City School District is moving East High, West High and Highland High to remote classes, starting Friday
The Washington County school system became the first in the state to reopen classrooms for students and teachers Thursday.
School district spokesperson Steven Dunham says the return of in-person learning went smoothly despite some first-day jitters
The Washington County School Board is considering mandating the use of face masks for students as they discussed feedback from a recent survey and reopening guidelines for the fall.
Board President David Stirland says the subject of masks has been divisive as their survey showed that parents prefer hand washing as a preferred method for safety over wearing masks
Utah is again ranked dead last in the U.S. for per-pupil education spending.
New numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau show the state spent just over 76-hundred dollars per student in 2018.
State education leaders say Utah would have to spend about 94-million dollars more to overtake Idaho in the rankings.
A man is in custody after creating a scene at a charter school in Moab on Wednesday.
At about 4:29 p.m. Moab City Police Department responded to a charter to located near 358 East 300 South after they received reports of a suspicious man on at the school.