Ivins recent did a huge public survey with nearly 4,500 homeowners receiving copies and nearly half of those returning the survey to city leaders.
The purpose behind the survey is noble, as city leaders are putting together a master plan for the community and they are trying to make sure the thoughts and hopes of citizens are reflected in the plan.
Dixie State University administration recently hired another marketing company, Love Communications, to put out another survey regarding the name change.
There are many who have taken that survey and felt that the questions lean in favor of the University’s name change.
To assess the health status
and habits of the Washington County community amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the
Live Long. Live Well. initiative is asking all adult residents to fill out a
brief health survey.
The study will help the Live
Dixie State University, The Institute for Continued Learning, the City of St. George and Intermountain Healthcare have formed a program called Live Long. Live Well (Live!), to help people 50 and over maximize their health, longevity and well-being...