LOL: These Utah License Plates Got DENIED!
Everyday while you're driving you'll DEFINITELY come across some of those Vanity License Plates! Maybe it's your nickname, or a funny little saying. Here are some of the FUNNIEST Vanity License Plates that got DENIED in Utah!
1. 0 F Given:
Zero F's Given... Pretty straight forward! Utah said "NAH!"
2. Assman:
Ass Man. It worked on Seinfeld! What if you're a Proctologist?!
Blaze it! A reference to puffin the Devil's Lettuce! No drug references on plates!
4. BTCH1N:
Bitchin! It was cool to say in the 80's & 90's, but NOT okay on your license plate in Utah!
BYU Sucks. I feel like we ALL know someone that would LOVE to have this plate!
6. CTR:
Choose The Right! Probably banned because of the religiousness attached. Honestly, I would be pretty impressed to see the person that would be the FIRST to get this one though.
Deport 'Em. Yeah, this one actually made it out to the streets before getting a complaint and Utah taking it away.
8. D00KIE:
Dookie. Poop. Not sure why you'd want your license plate to be DOOKIE but hey! That's your thing, not mine!
Deez Nuts. These Nuts. You knew someone was going to try it! What if you own a Nut Shop though?!
Eat Taco. Who doesn't love tacos?! However, this one was banned based on the potential sexuality undertones behind it.
Fu** You Biden. Come on... You really thought this one would make it past the state?! No way!
Hey Ugly. Apparently you can't have ANYTHING that someone would find offensive. But if YOU take offense to this... That says more about how you feel about yourself!
Hot & Sexy. Banned! But I really appreciate the self love and confidence! WORK IT GIRL!
14. IH8U:
I Hate You. Well, IH8U too, jerk!
Just Don't Give A Fu**. That's not someone I want to be on the road with! Stay FAR AWAY from a car that doesn't care!
Libtard: Google defines Libtard as "a contemptuous term for a person with left-wing political views.
17. LIGMA:
Lick My. Usually followed by a few choice words. Actually surprised this one was caught by the state. I would've bet this one would've made it to the streets!
Move B*tch. GET OUT THE WAY! Yeah, pretty offensive. Not happening in Utah!
19. ND2P00:
Need To Poo. At least they're honest! They've got IBS, and sometimes it hits and everyone needs to get out of the way!
Oh My Fu***ing Gosh Move. Yeah, absolutely banned in Utah!
21. ONYOA55.
On Your A**. It's called tailgating, and it's illegal, sir!
22. PHATA55:
Phat A**. There's a BIG difference between a Fat Butt and a Phat Butt... and if you don't know the difference then that's on YOU!
23. P00 BUTT:
Poo Butt. I appreciate the effort, because I would really laugh If I pulled up behind you, but yeah, there's no way Utah approves of this!
Suck These. A for Effort, but no way! Whoever is in charge of approving or denying these are shockingly hip!
Tesla Slut. This one, I TOTALLY appreciate the creativity and the hustle, and I think Utah should allow them to have it!
26. THEP00P:
The Poop. There he is everyone! The Poop!
27. URMOM:
Your Mom. Come on! This one isn't even bad! I like this one!
28. WEED420:
Weed 420. Whoever attempted this one was ABSOLUTELY HIGH! There's no way you'd think the state would approve of this one!
29. MILF AF:
Mother I'd Like To Fu**, As Fu**. It doesn't make a lot of sense when you break it down like that, but yeah, Utah said no!
30. D1CKHED:
Di*khead. I would actually totally appreciate knowing that the guy driving around me is a Di*khead! I would steer clear... literally.