Tips For People New at Hosting a Yard Sale 

The kids are back in school, and you have all the clothes they grew out of filling up the closets. Why not make some money by selling it to other parents. Here is some information from people who have been doing yard sales for years and how to make yours successful. 

1. Advertise Everywhere. Look for places to advertise online. There are many that are free. Check out Facebook pages and free online want ads. But don’t neglect physical signs. You can buy a package at Walmart that includes all the signs and markers with arrows pointing to your house.. 

2. Organize Your Stuff. Don’t make it hard for the people looking. Place items neatly on racks and tables. If it looks like you care for the items, they will be more enticing to those looking. Also place eye catching pieces near the street. Colorful and unique items will catch the eye of people passing by. 

3. Don’t Over Price: People who visit yard sales are looking to pay no more than $5 or $10. If you have a ton of stuff over $50 it will still be there when the day is over. Remember you will have to pack this back in the garage if you don’t sell it, so put it at a price people will buy. 

Read More: 3 Items Sitting Around Your Utah Home Worth Money

Now that you know from the experts how to run a good yard sale, start rummaging through those closets and loading up what you never use. As the weather cools, people are looking for yard sale deals on the weekend. 

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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