deseret industries

No Thanks: The WORST THINGS To Buy At St. George’s D.I.
No Thanks: The WORST THINGS To Buy At St. George’s D.I.
No Thanks: The WORST THINGS To Buy At St. George’s D.I.
If you've been around Southern Utah for a while, you've more than likely stopped by a little thrift store called "Deseret Industries" or as some know it as "The D.I." It's certainly the most popular thrift store in town, and definitely the most popular in the state...
St. George Businesses That NEED To Start Selling Merch!
St. George Businesses That NEED To Start Selling Merch!
St. George Businesses That NEED To Start Selling Merch!
Every time you go to a concert, you see people selling their "Merch" AKA Merchandise. I love a good Merch Shirt! It definitely helps me remember the occasion! Here are the Southern Utah Businesses I would DEFINITELY buy merch from if they sold it...
Deseret Industries to close to general public
Deseret Industries stores are adjusting their services to support community health. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, stores will be closed to the general public for shopping and donations but will remain open to support the needs of individuals served by bishops’ orders and community partner grants. ...