governor herbert

Governor moves three Utah communities to low-risk phase
Governor Herbert says three Utah communities will be allowed to move to the low-risk phase of the state's coronavirus risk measurement.  The governor said yesterday that data from West Valley City, Magna and Grand County supported a request from local health departments to move those communities from orange to yellow.  ...
Governor modifies parts of yellow alert phase
Governor Herbert is modifying some parts of the yellow or "low risk" phase of Utah's COVID-19 guidelines.  The governor issued an executive order yesterday discouraging travel to areas where there is a high risk of COVID-19 infections, allowing schools to resume some activities and colleges to resume in-person classes.  ...
Governor Herbert endorses Spencer Cox
Governor Gary Herbert is endorsing Lieutenant Governor Spencer Cox ahead of the Republican primary election.  In a statement, Herbert says he worked alongside Cox for seven years and calls him a "proven leader."  Cox is in a four-way race for the Republican nomination in the governor's race, facing former governor Jon Huntsman, former Utah GOP chairman Thomas Wright and former Utah Hou
Utah low income advocates asking for eviction hold
Utah low income advocates asking for eviction hold
Utah low income advocates asking for eviction hold
Advocates for the homeless and low-income Utahns are urging Governor Gary Herbert to issue an order extending a hold on evictions statewide. Urban Crossroads Center Executive Director, Bill Tibbitts, says extending the hold would let rental assistance programs pick up traction to help those still struggling financially due to the coronavirus outbreak ...
Governor says state purchases responsible
Governor Gary Herbert is insisting that the state has made responsible purchases of supplies and services related to the COVID-19 outbreak. The governor said yesterday that he believes there are legitimate questions that should be asked after the state spent millions of dollars to buy PPE, disinfectant and other items as fears about the pandemic increased in March.  ... Read More ...

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