TRAFFIC SUCKS! We can all agree on that! But everyone is not willing to agree on the "Zipper Merge"! But it's FAR MORE EFFECTIVE!
What is a Zipper Merge? According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, a Zipper Merge is specifically set up for vehicles to merge from two lanes into one lane in a zipper fashion. Thi...
Imagine... It's a nice day in Southern Utah, you're driving along with your family when BOOM! Suddenly a big lifted truck pulls out in front of you and before you know it you're face to face with a whopping pair of... TRUCK NUTZ!
Have you had the displeasure of seeing someone who felt it was totally necessary to attach a 9 inch pair of plastic testicles to their rig...
Remember being a kid riding your bike? Maybe you'd show off for your friends and do some tricks! Maybe you pulled the old "LOOK MA! NO HANDS!"
Did you know in the State of Utah, it is actually ILLEGAL to operate a bike or motorcycle with NO HANDS...
I like milk. You probably do, too.
I've had good milk, cold milk, thin milk, chunky milk (don't ask), chocolate milk, banana milk, strawberry milk, unpasteurized milk, and even sour milk (to this day, I will not drink milk without smelling it first to make sure it's not sour)...