ST. GEORGE, Utah — Recognizing students who include global experiences, coursework and perspectives into their degrees, Dixie State University’s Global Engagement Committee is presenting its inaugural Global Scholar Award to 2021 graduate Erik Hughes.  

“We are very excited to offer this recognition and incentive to students who purposefully look to have global experiences and coursework as part of their degree programs,” said Michael Cartmill, Dixie State’s director of global education. “The award essentially arose out of DSU’s strategic goal to establish academic work in global engagement as a distinguished aspect of student learning.” 

Students can receive this award by graduating from Dixie State University and completing one of three possible pathways. These include completing a specific mix of participation in courses, study abroad programs, Global Studies minor or emphasis programs, senior capstone projects and more. Students who complete this award will receive a graduation medal and certificate for their accomplishments.  

Hughes took the path of a study abroad program at Meijo University in Nagoya, Japan, and is graduating with a minor in Global Studies. As part of this experience, Hughes learned about a variety of cultures by interacting with individuals in Japan as well as other international students participating in the exchange. Hughes also had the opportunity to travel throughout many cities and villages in Japan and experience aspects of the country and culture that tourists don’t typically get the opportunity to see.  

“I feel very honored and grateful to receive this award,” Hughes said. “I would definitely recommend this experience to other students. I think everyone should have some experience outside of their comfort zone.” 

For more information about the Global Scholar Award or Global Education, contact Michael Cartmill at or visit 

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