Heads Up Utah: Your Phone WILL GO OFF Wednesday Afternoon!
Don't be shocked Wednesday afternoon when your phone goes off around 12:20pm! The Federal Government will conduct a nationwide test on it's Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts. The Emergency Alert System will alert all radios, televisions, and ALL consumer cell phones.
The Federal Government said "The purpose of the October 4th test is to ensure the systems continue to be effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level." The alert will sound, and you'll receive a message that reads "THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed."
The alert will be sent in both English and Spanish, depending on the settings on your phone. There will be a unique tone and vibration, alerting the entire public including people with disabilities.

These St. George Businesses NEED TO STEP IT UP!
I'm from St. George, Utah, BORN AND RAISED BABY! Nobody is a bigger believer in St. George than I am. But quite frankly, these St. George businesses NEED TO STEP IT UP. I'm sick of making excuses for them. Enough is enough. It's time to make a change.
The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the state of Utah is $4.27! Some place in St. George are ALMOST $5.00 per gallon! Absolutely ridiculous. I'm calling on these St. George businesses to step up and start selling gasoline!
Dixie Direct Savings Guide:
You can buy a Dixie Direct Savings Guide for only $40 and it's FULL of amazing deals on food, to entertainment, and services. But It's time they hook us up with buy one get one free gallons of gasoline! WE NEED HELP, TONY CHAMBERS! STEP IT UP! (You can also buy a Dixie Direct Savings Guide RIGHT NOW for $25, but it will expire at the end of the month.)
Deseret Industries AKA The D.I.:
Come on! You're looking for a cheap couch? D.I. You're looking for cheap clothes? D.I. You're looking for some cheap gasoline? IT SHOULD BE THE D.I. We could save SO MUCH MONEY!
Family Dollar:
YES! This one is actually the best idea! Gas at the Dollar Store?! SUCH A NO-BRAINER! Every gallon of gas is $1! I can't believe someone hasn't thought of this yet. Someone needs to elect me as the next mayor of St. George! This is genius! Come on, Family Dollar, we need you now more than ever!

HUGE St. George Building Being Torn Down AS WE SPEAK!
Am I the only one that sees construction and has to pull over and watch it happen?! Well, this happened this morning as I was driving down Main Street in St. George! The Wells Fargo Drive Thru on Main Street and 100 South is being torn down to make room for the new St. George City Hall at Town Square. From the renderings of the new City Hall, it appears the entire Wells Fargo building is coming down, and not just the drive thru!
The current City Hall building was built in 1980 and is 34,000 square feet. The new City Hall building will be completed in 2025, and will better help serve the 100,000+ members of St. George! It will be over 69,000 square feet and three stories tall. In addition to the City Hall building, there will be a 4-story tall parking structure.
The new address for this City Hall building will be 61 South Main Street, symbolizing the year the Pioneers Settled St. George: 1861.

Things St. George Needs Changed NOW... If I Were The Mayor!
Everyone has their own ideas of what would make Southern Utah a better place to live. We all have our ideas, right? Maybe it's things to make life easier, better, or less expensive. These are MY ideas of what I would change if I was the Mayor of St. George, Utah!
1. Buildings Taller Than The Temple:
Apparently, St. George has some law that buildings in town cannot be taller than the St. George LDS Temple. That's pretty strange, especially because the Temple isn't really THAT tall. But Imagine the affordable housing we could have if we could have buildings that were 7, 8 or 9 stories tall!
2. Public Transportation Trains:
We have the SunTran, but NO THANKS! I've never been on it, but it seems dirty and slow. But, what about a train? A quick one that could get you from Washington to Santa Clara in 10 minutes? Or Ivins to Little Valley in 10 minutes? That would be awesome, especially on Saturdays when the traffic is harsh.
St. George, Utah has over 100,000 people here! That doesn't include Cedar City, Hurricane, Ivins, Santa Clara, or Mesquite! It's complete BS that we aren't able to get BIG concerts in St. George. It's especially crazy because we are RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of Las Vegas and Salt Lake City. Huge groups are passing through town almost everyday. In 2021, Missoula, Montana had Guns N' Roses play in their city. Missoula was a population of 75,000 people. That's 25,000 less than St. George. LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
HOW COOL WOULD IT BE?! One Day EACH MONTH in the summer, we shut down a street and we slip n' slide down the city! The kids would LOVE IT! I'd vote for me!
What city things would YOU love to see changed or brought in? Let's make it happen!

Have you ever heard of the 1979 BLOCKBUSTER The Electric Horseman? Did you know it was shot ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY in St. George and surrounding areas? It's an incredible blast from the past if you grew up in St. George! It feels so familiar to watch. If you haven't seen The Electric Horseman it is currently streaming on Netflix!
A quick synopsis of the movie:
Robert Redford plays a retired 5x rodeo champion, Sonny Steele. He's now the face of a cereal brand with a $12,000,000 horse named Rising Star. When he finds out the horse is mistreated in Las Vegas, he rides away on the horse and heads for St. George, Utah. Sonny turns into a fugitive on the run. A tv reporter played by Jane Fonda finds Sonny and Rising Star in St. George and helps Sonny with his plan: Releasing Rising Star with wild mustangs.
Here are some of the AMAZING photos of old St. George!
The first scene of the movie features a football game at THIS stadium. Anyone recognize this place? That's the Dixie SunBowl!
Sonny has stolen Rising Star and they're out somewhere in Washington on the banks of the Virgin River!
Jane Fonda's Character, Hallie catches up with Sonny and Rising Star. I'm trying to put my finger on where this is. It looks like it's up near the Sugar Loaf aka Dixie Rock, somewhere in that area. You can see the mountains to the West AND Pine Valley to the North.
The police are now on the search in Washington! This shot is on Telegraph and Main Street. The empty field to the left is NOW the old Nisson's Store.
If you look down to the left, you can see the old Burger Place!
We're now on Main Street and Tabernacle! Dixie State Bank on the left is now the Main Street Plaza Parking Garage! Jolley's Western Wear is on the left. This intersection is currently a roundabout.
Hallie stepping out of her car on St. George Boulevard. You can see Dixie Realtors in the background which is where the Ocean Buffet is now.
This shot is looking East on St. George Boulevard.
There's the Sugar Loaf Cafe that was once The Gable House, Godfather's Pizza, and now Cafe Sabor.
They're on the road headed north from Bluff Street to Veyo!
Back on Main Street and Tabernacle, the police have spotted Sonny and Rising Star and a police chase is about the ensue!
This field is now the Wells Fargo on Main Street and Tabernacle, across from the Splash Bad.
There's the Tabernacle in the background during the police chase!
Hey! There's the D on the hill!
These houses are still standing, but I'm having a hard time placing exactly where they're located!
It appears they've now started shooting in Washington during this police chase!
They've escaped the police! But now they're at a small little lake or reservoir, and I'm not sure where it is. But it looks like it's in Ivins. Is it the Ivins Reservoir? You can see Kayenta in the background!
Enter Willford Brimley! This is only the 2nd movie he was ever in, and he's a farmer that helps save Sonny, Hallie, and Rising Star. He's driving a Kay A. Bundy truck!
This is definitely Snow Canyon! Right?
One of the prettiest shots in the entire film, a private jet flying into the OLD St. George Airport on the hill!
Sonny is ready to release Rising Star with the Wild Mustangs, and he's definitely up near Zion. Springdale? Rockville?
Sonny and Hallie are now set to go their separate ways and they're having lunch at Dick's Cafe which is now gone. Currently Golden West Credit Union is on that location (Across the Boulevard from Angelica's)
Sonny is headed out on his own on St. George Boulevard. The building on the right is the building where Steamroller Copies, Lazer Mania and down a bit is Urban Renewal.
Sonny is actually walking BACK to St. George in this shot, but he's on the highway between here and Veyo!
I hope you enjoyed this! It was so much fun to watch. They mention St. George a ton, Mesquite, Marysvale and Richfield. It's currently streaming on Netflix! Go watch it for yourself, besides seeing St. George a lot, it was an awesome story!