Kum & Go Is Changing Their Name In Utah… And You Know Why!
The Midwestern gas station chain, Kum & Go has moved into Utah, and they've now been bought out by the Utah-based chain, Maverik. The Kum & Go's across Utah and the Mountain West will be rebranded as Maveriks while the remaining locations will keep their name.
There is expected to be around another 140 Maverik locations to be opening between Utah, Colorado, Idaho, and Wyoming. They will employee around 14,000 people too. Now, the actual reason for the name change has NOT been discussed, but I think we all know why the name is being changed.
Why was it called Kum & Go anyway?
Kum & Go is OBVIOUSLY a play on the phrase Come & Go, but instead, including the original founder's names. Krause & Gentle. But it's been a long running joke online for a while now.

You're AWESOME If You Remember THESE THINGS In St. George, Utah!
If you grew up here in Southern Utah... You probably did THESE THINGS, and if you did: YOUR CHILDHOOD WAS AWESOME!
You were born at the O.G. Dixie Regional Medical Center:
Your parents ever dropped you off at THE MALL...
You spent your allowance at TILT in the Red Cliffs Mall:
And at Vanity!
Or at The Oasis Food Court with Orange Julius:
You and EVERY OTHER 6th Grader in town were at ONE SCHOOL: WOODWARD!
You bought ALL your sporting goods at REBEL SPORTS!
You'd spend the Summer at the City Pool riding THE HYDROTUBE!
You'd beg your parents to take you to SHONEY'S for dinner!
But they'd get a babysitter for you so they could go to... GABLE HOUSE!
You remember seeing THESE Confederate Soldier Statues at Dixie State!
You'd HAPPILY go to Walmart with your mom... It HAD A MCDONALD'S IN IT! Plus... It was connected to the Red Cliffs Mall!

YIKES: Southern Utah's UGLIEST Eye Sores!
What is an "Eye Sore"? Google gives the definition of "Something displeasing to the sight."
St. George, Utah is GORGEOUS... But it definitely has it's fair share of Eye Sores around town... Here are some of the TOP EYE SORES according to Southern Utah's Citizens!
The question of "What are some of the WORST EYE SORES in Southern Utah??", was posted onto the Facebook group: St. George Word Of Mouth. Here are some of the TOP EYE SORES!
Jim McCune says "The big red hillside scar by the D takes the cake!":
I've noticed this my whole life here in St. George and it looks pretty awful. I'm not exactly sure what the plan was here... But It's taken a ton of beauty away from that hillside.
These boarded up condos off Bluff Street that are LITERALLY falling off the hill:
I believe the culprit is BLUE CLAY. The homes are quite literally sliding off this hill. The homes look condemned and boarded up. I know a few have been removed out of fear of them crashing down into Pier 49 Pizza.
The old Dairy Queen also off Bluff Street:
The old Dairy Queen building is just below the condemned condos, and they've been gone for probably close to 8 years now. I had many great memories in this building... and now: It just looks HAUNTED AND SPOOKY!
This new... Dead Weed, Dead Tree, Gravel Area at the Bloomington Walmart:
I was driving home from the Bloomington Walmart the other day and noticed THIS monstrosity! It used to be a grass area where people would eat, and play with their dogs. But apparently the drought made them pull the grass out and put in gravel. Now the trees are dying, the bushes are dying... and lots of weeds too. It's pretty bad.
Julie Caplin says "The New Mormon Temple in Washington":
This one totally surprised me. I have no affiliation to this temple, but MAN, I think it's a gorgeous building. Is this an EYE SORE? What do you think?!