Man Wears SHOCKING Shirt In St. George: Goes Viral
I'm driving north up I-15 in St. George the other day when a motorcycle switches lanes in front of me. He was wearing a shirt that caught my attention. Based on the shirt alone, I would be willing to bet he's not from St. George, much less Utah! I posted the video to Instagram where it has exploded. The video currently has over 2,000,000 views, 32,000 likes, 600 comments, and almost 10,000 shares! I've also had different BIG instagram accounts reach out asking if they can use my video on their pages.
The shirt is extremely provocative, reading "EAT YOUR GIRL OUT OR I WILL". Hundreds of comments have rolled in from people asking "Me Googling where St. George is", to "I'm right here! Turn this way", and "Where's his cape? He's the TRUE HERO". But there are also people not happy with the shirt.
Many people have asked "Where can I get this shirt?" to which sparks the most UNBELIEVABLE part of this entire story. You can get the shirt at WALMART!!! What?!

Southern Utah Offended By Whopping Pair Of...
Utah DMV
Imagine... It's a nice day in Southern Utah, you're driving along with your family when BOOM! Suddenly a big lifted truck pulls out in front of you and before you know it you're face to face with a whopping pair of... TRUCK NUTZ!
Have you had the displeasure of seeing someone who felt it was totally necessary to attach a 9 inch pair of plastic testicles to their rig? I'm sure these rights are somehow protected in the constitution somewhere but... We gotta do something about this. Think about the kids man. Actually no! Think about the general public. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS TO THEIR TRUCK!?
What do you think? Should Utah outlaw the Truck Nuts?

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