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If You Want Your CONSERVATIVE Friends To Vote BIDEN… Show Them This!
If You Want Your CONSERVATIVE Friends To Vote BIDEN… Show Them This!
If You Want Your CONSERVATIVE Friends To Vote BIDEN… Show Them This!
We're getting DANGEROUSLY close to "Election Time." In just over ONE YEAR, it will be Election Day and we'll be voting on our President for the next 4 years. It SEEMS that it's going to be a rematch of Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump. If you're REALLY HOPING for another 4 years of Joe Biden, I'm here to help you trick your Conservative friends into voting BIDEN on Election Day...
HIPS: Are We Brave Enough To Raise Our Voices, Even If It's Unpop
HIPS: Are We Brave Enough To Raise Our Voices, Even If It's Unpop
HIPS: Are We Brave Enough To Raise Our Voices, Even If It's Unpop
By Bryan Hyde Commentary -- The past couple of years have provided many examples of what dissent looks like. As may be expected, it can take many different forms -- not all of them pleasing to everyone. As much as we may try to convince ourselves that unity should be prized above all, dissenting voices can bring much needed perspective and ideas to counter the herd mentality ...
HIPS: Want to be rescued? Look inward, not outward
HIPS: Want to be rescued? Look inward, not outward
HIPS: Want to be rescued? Look inward, not outward
By Bryan Hyde One of the most important lessons we can learn in life is that no one is coming to our rescue. That’s why it’s so important that we learn to accept responsibility for our own lives as early as possible.  A lot of people seem to have acquired a long-term habit of avoiding accountability as a way of avoiding punishment.  Or they find ...
HIPS: Where to find peace? It's really up to you
HIPS: Where to find peace? It's really up to you
HIPS: Where to find peace? It's really up to you
By Bryan Hyde The headlines sure make it seem that genuine peace is becoming a scarce commodity in our world. Peace isn’t just something that can be measured by whether or not a nation is in an official state of war. It’s needed at every level of society right down to the individual. And that’ ...
HIPS: A Better Approach To Learning History
HIPS: A Better Approach To Learning History
HIPS: A Better Approach To Learning History
By Bryan Hyde History can be a magnificent mentor for those willing to study it patiently and deliberately. At the same time, history itself does not teach lessons.  Historians will do their best to construct a plausible and comprehensive narrative based on the evidence available in their time. But ...

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