Do you feel like you're not allowed to grieve the way you want to? Why not take the leap and mourn the way you want. If not, some mental troubles may ale you.
Quite often, the key to preventing suicide in an individual is recognizing their need for help and reaching out to that individual.
Last week, students from around southwestern Utah gathered at the Dixie Technical College Campus on Tech Ridge to take part in training for a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program called the Hope Squad
A new study shows you can cut your risk of depression by more than half simply through adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge studied more than 300-thousand people and identified seven habits that make a real difference...
The song "How to save a life," by The Fray is not about suicide.
It's a song about not having the tools to help someone in trouble, whether they're struggling with addiction, depression, anxiety, drug abuse or myriad other problems.
The end result of not having the tools to help them often ends in suicide...