
Local Gold Cross Ambulance Recognized by AHA
Local Gold Cross Ambulance Recognized by AHA
Local Gold Cross Ambulance Recognized by AHA
Washington and Iron Counties Gold Cross Ambulance is being recognized nationally for the care of heart attacks.   An Aug.21 press release from Gold Cross Ambulance said that both counties have been awarded the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® EMS Gold Plus Award. The award is ...
Uh Oh: St. George Is DEFINITELY Getting Sued For THIS!
Uh Oh: St. George Is DEFINITELY Getting Sued For THIS!
Uh Oh: St. George Is DEFINITELY Getting Sued For THIS!
Monday afternoon, I'm sitting on my couch in St. George. Suddenly, I hear some noise outside. It sounds like someone yelling. Or maybe dogs barking? Maybe geese honking? After a couple seconds, I got nervous it was someone yelling for help. I opened my back door to hear better and SURE ENOUGH, I could hear someone yelling in pain screaming "HELP...