Small Utah Town Shows AMAZING Support For Wildland Firefighters!
The Silver King Fire, just outside of Marysvale, Utah, is almost totally contained! The fire ripped through the mountains and destroyed thousands of acres of land. Wildland Firefighters from all over the country flocked into the tiny town to help! With the total population of Marysvale being under 500, you can imagine there aren't many places for these firefighters to sleep.
Driving through the town of Marysvale, you'll see the firefighters all over, but where do they actually sleep? I found out when I made a trip to the park. There were dozens and dozens of tents out on the grass at the park! These tents were mostly shaded, and they also had port-o-potties, and mobile showers too!
Signs have been placed all over town showing support for the firefighters that are protecting this tiny place from being completely destroyed by the inferno. Firetrucks from both Cedar City, Utah, Dammeron Valley, Utah, and Idaho City, Idaho have been spotted at the park.
Life is pretty much back to normal in Marysvale, and the smoke is gone. This comes at a perfect time, since Marysvale's BIGGEST day of the entire year is coming on Wednesday, the 24th of July celebration! Unfortunately, many businesses have struggled this last month with people cancelling their trips due to fear of the fire and smoke. But now, Marysvale is back! If you've ever wanted to take your kids to an AWESOME small town celebration, the 24th of July in Marysvale will be something you will not regret. Plan to stay a while, too! There's many different places to sleep like the OLDEST hotel in Utah, Moore's Old Pine Inn, or Marysvale Motel 4-U!