Southern Utah’s BEST & WORST High School Mascots
If you're from Southern Utah, you PROBABLY went to one of the high schools, unless you were home schooled. Did you like your mascot? Was it cool? Or did it kind of suck? Let's rank Southern Utah's Mascots from BEST MASCOT to WORST MASCOT. Here we go!
9. Cedar Reds
Cedar High has themselves a NEW mascot, and It's just a color now. Very forgettable. It's pretty upsetting actually. They traded in one of the COOLEST mascots for the lamest. I know it's not politically correct, but the Cedar Redmen were SO COOL. I remember going into that arena for basketball games. You'd have Native American drums, war paint, even a headdress or two. Again... I know I'm not allowed to say I liked it, but It was SO COOL. I wish they would've picked something still Native American.
8. Canyon View Falcons
A falcon is just... pretty forgettable to me. I feel like a lot of high schools go with Falcons, Eagles, or Hawks. But they barely edged out their rival for this one. It's not as bad as a "Red".
7. Snow Canyon Warriors
Warriors, again, are something that are kind of forgettable. Plus, I feel like there's not much you can do around the school to make it "Warrior-ish".
6. Hurricane Tigers
Tigers. The Big Cat! It's not awful. I wish they had orange in their colors like the tiger stripes, but they play Eye Of The Tiger a lot. So that's pretty cool. It's not the BEST Southern Utah High School Big Cat though...
5. Enterprise Wolves
A wolf is REALLY cool and intense. Howling, Hunting, being in Packs. There's a lot you can do with "Wolves".
4. Pine View Panthers
YES! This Big Cat is, in my mind, cooler than a tiger. It's stealthy, all black, fierce. Plus, Pine View's major color is black, which fits with the Panthers.
3. Crimson Cliffs Mustangs
A WILD HORSE?! That's really cool. Especially where Crimson Cliffs sits in Southern Utah. I love the idea of horses running, the sounds of horses, cowboys, all of that! I love the name Mustang.
2. Dixie Flyers
FUN FACT: A "Flyer" is a piece of paper that you would post somewhere. Like if you were inviting mass people to a party. While a "Flier" is someone that flies. Oh well. Screw it! It's a very cool and unique mascot! They should do more aviation style stuff around the school though. Dixie actually earned the nickname "Flyers" after going to a basketball tournament in the early 1900's, and they were the only team that flew there. The name has stuck ever since.
1. Desert Hills Thunder
Hands down, the #1 mascot in Southern Utah. THUNDER. The colors match extremely well with black, gold, and purple. Black and purple for the dark clouds, gold for the lightning. The sound of thunder being played at ball games is cool, and of course AC/DC's hit THUNDERSTRUCK being played too! It's so cool!

The TOP SPOTS To Hookup In Your Car In St. George, Utah
If the car's a rockin'... don't come a knockin'! Am I right?!
Sometimes, you got a house full of kids! Or maybe you've got family visiting but you gotta keep that spark lit!
Well... Maybe your car is the only option you got!
Great views! But... Not much protection, and protection is VERY IMPORTANT! Don't want a cop knocking on your window, right?! Every time I see a car up here I'm like "I know what ya'll are doing in there!"
Another oldie-but-goodie... Great views, but Dixie Rock. However, ZERO PRIVACY! This time even worse, the parking spots are RIGHT NEXT TO YOU! But, when you gotta go, you gotta go!
3. The Covered Parking Garage!
This one is actually a FANTASTIC IDEA! It's a lot more private, plus... Keeping you out of the heat! This is the GO-TO spot, I say!
Plus... ONE HOUR LIMIT! What will we do with the other 57 minutes?! Am I right, fellas?
4. Top Level of the Parking Garage!
This one is tricky! It's the top level of the parking garage... which is definitely more private, but it's not covered! So it's going to get BLAZING HOT in there. Plus... You never know who is going to park in the spot next to you!
Can we just get a "Hook-Up Only" Parking lot?! Is that too much to ask?!
5. Residential Neighborhood!
This one has it's positives and it's negatives!
Positive: Usually in a residential neighborhood, NOBODY is going to be parking next to you and looking through your windows.
Negative: It's in front of someone's house, you weirdo!

Do you have a car that people WANT TO STEAL? Well, if your car is on THIS LIST... You better lock your stuff up! This is all according to The National Insurance Crime Bureau.
These are UTAH's Most Stolen Cars:
- Ford Pick-Up (Full Size) 2006
- Honda Civic 1998
- Honda Accord 1997
- Chevrolet Pick-Up (Full Size) 2004
- Dodge Pick-Up (Full Size) 2012
- GMC Pick-Up (Full Size) 1999
- Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee 2015
- Honda CR-V 1998
- Subaru Legacy 1998
- Toyota Camry 2012 -tied
- Nissan Altima 2013 -tied
Best ways to protect your car:
- Always lock your car.
- Never leave valuable belongings where they are easily visible.
- Never leave your keys in the car.
- Audible Alarms
- Steering Wheel Locks
- Steering Column Collars
- Ferocious Dog
- Boobie Traps
- Tracking Device on or inside car.

Southern Utah Offended By Whopping Pair Of...
Utah DMV
Imagine... It's a nice day in Southern Utah, you're driving along with your family when BOOM! Suddenly a big lifted truck pulls out in front of you and before you know it you're face to face with a whopping pair of... TRUCK NUTZ!
Have you had the displeasure of seeing someone who felt it was totally necessary to attach a 9 inch pair of plastic testicles to their rig? I'm sure these rights are somehow protected in the constitution somewhere but... We gotta do something about this. Think about the kids man. Actually no! Think about the general public. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS TO THEIR TRUCK!?
What do you think? Should Utah outlaw the Truck Nuts?

This New Underpass Will Save St. George Residents SO MUCH TIME!
A couple months ago, I wrote a story about the roads and underpasses that we desperately need here in St. George. Roads that would save us incredible amounts of time in our daily lives. Well, one of those roads is ACTUALLY COMING! I don't care what anybody says, I'm taking 100% of the credit for this!
It was announced by the City of St. George that two new I-15 underpasses would be coming to town. The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced a grant of $87,618,600 to UDOT toward funding local street crossings at 400 East (Flood Street) and 900 South. I-15 will be raised to accommodate these underpasses.
This area has needed an underpass BADLY. If you're attempting to get from Flood Street to Camping World (Directly on the other side of I-15), that could take upwards of 15-20 minutes. This new project will eliminate that time by 99%. This will really help the flow of traffic and take the pressure off Bluff Street, Riverside Drive, and 700 South.
These photos will be the streets affected from 900 South on each side of I-15:

LOCK EM UP! This Stuff Should Be Illegal In St. George!
Here is my list of things that are TOTALLY LEGAL to do... But DRIVE ME CRAZY! If I had it my way, you'd be locked up for doing THESE THINGS in St. George, Utah.
Creating A "Utah Road Block" on Bluff Street:
A Utah Road Block is when you're driving, and there's at least 2 lanes, but everyone is driving THE SAME SPEED and nobody can pass. It's usually EXACTLY at the speed limit or below the speed limit. I'm yelling in my car and punching air every time this happens.
Going to Culver's restaurant, and having to "Pull ahead and we'll bring the food to you":
What?! No! That's not how Fast Food works! Every time I'm at Culver's I have to pull up... EVEN IF NOBODY IS BEHIND ME!
Taking a full naked shower at The St. George City Pool:
It never fails. I'm at the City Pool, and some EXTREMELY CONFIDENT old guy is taking a full naked shower out in the open. LOCK HIM UP! Keep your swimsuit on, man!
Parking your lifted truck in two spots outside of Bloomington Walmart:
Look... I don't care if you park WAY IN THE BACK in two spots, but this happens in the PRIME spots up front! We get it. Your truck is big and your... foot is small. Just park in the back. That drives me bananas.
Merging onto I-15 at 45 miles per hour:
I will switch lanes. I will FLY past you. You're going to cause an accident.
Not being BALLSY ENOUGH in the roundabout:
Have you ever been behind someone trying to get IN to the roundabout and they REFUSE to go when they have the opportunity?! OHHH IT MAKES ME CRAZY! We got places to go, people to see! We'll be here ALL DAY if you don't make something happen, lady!