Not gonna lie -- I love food.

I don't eat big portions, I just love to experiment with different flavors and tastes. And those that know me know I love to smoke meat.


So when I first heard Susie Bulloch at Hey Grill Hey talk about cooking ham like pulled pork, I was intrigued.

I did it last year, but treated the ham like pulled pork, right down to the addition of barbecue sauce and turning it into a savory dish.

And while it was good last year, I had failed to take Susie Bulloch's advice on HeyGrillHey to cook and serve the pulled ham with a sweet and fruity glaze/sauce

So this year I used my trusty Yoder smoker and cooked the ham overnight, then covered it with Apricot-Jalapeno Glaze (from BBQ Pit Stop) and cooked for another hour or so. I then pulled it apart and stuck it in a crockpot to stay warm until dinner time.


The results were phenomenal. It was smoky, savory, sweet and fruity all in one delicious dish.

I'm no pro when it comes to smoking. I just love to do it and am especially satisfied when something I make turns out well. The fact that the ham came out just that way was proven in the amount that was consumed by family and friends that day.

Smoked ham. Not kidding. Who knew?

Try it. You don't have to follow Susie's recipe to a tee, but use it as a guide and have fun. Make sure and save some for lunch a day or wo later as well.



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