
Politically Incorrect (But True) Fact About What Kids Need
Politically Incorrect (But True) Fact About What Kids Need
Politically Incorrect (But True) Fact About What Kids Need
The PC (politically correct) police might pull me over on this one, but sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. If we want our kids to be well-adjusted, motivated, high-achieving and contributors to society, they need a Mom and Dad, and they need them to be married to each other...
The 20 Things Utahns Will Do When They Go To Vegas
The 20 Things Utahns Will Do When They Go To Vegas
The 20 Things Utahns Will Do When They Go To Vegas
Sure, everybody  talks about Las Vegas as the place to get wild.  People go there try new drugs, drink new things, and lose all their money in a haze of breathless debauchery. But when you're from Southern Utah, your idea of a "wild and crazy time" might be slightly different. While...

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