Balance Of Nature Navigating High-Demand Holiday Season
As the holiday season approaches, Balance of Nature, the leading provider of whole fruit, vegetable, and fiber supplements, proudly announces normal operations and shipping timelines.
Despite soaring demand and logistic complexities, the company has successfully navigated these challenges to ensure customers receive their orders within regular delivery times.
Lex Howard, CEO of Balance of Nature, expressed his gratitude, "I'm pleased to share that we are in full operation. We are excited and well-prepared to meet the heightened demand and expectations of our amazing customers. Ensuring our customers receive their orders promptly is a top priority, especially during this bustling holiday period.
"We extend our sincere gratitude to our customers for their patience and continuous support, and we remain committed to delivering the highest quality products and exceptional service. We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas."
Balance of Nature encourages customers to take advantage of the normal shipping and handling times by placing their orders early to avoid any potential holiday rush.
For further details or to place an order, please visit www.BalanceofNature.com.
About Balance of Nature: Balance of Nature is a trusted provider of premium nutrition supplements sourced from natural, whole foods. Committed to promoting health and wellness, the company offers their Fruits & Veggies and Fiber & Spice products, which are designed to support a balanced lifestyle.
It all started with Dr. Howard’s desire to help people take control of their health. He discovered a needed solution and developed Balance of Nature.
Balance of Nature, believes that to achieve complete health, we must strive for a balanced life. We refer to this philosophy as the Triad of Health, which encompasses the Physical, Spiritual, and Chemical aspects of health. These have everything to do with what you do, think, and eat.

Hey Southern Utah, Do You Know These Text Abbreviations?
Just for fun, I passed out a test at the radio station the other day.
On the "test" were 20 text abbreviations and about a dozen or so people filled out their best guesses as to what the abbreviations meant.
The youngest person taking the test was in his early 20s, while a few of us are in our 50s. Most of the test-takers were under the age of 40.
Amazingly, no one got all the text abbreviations right.
I got 16 of the 20 and a couple of our younger staffers got 18, but were stumped by a couple of the harder ones. Now it's your turn. How well do you know your text abbreviations? (correct answers at the bottom)
- OMG -- Wrong answer: Old Man's Gas (turbo expulsion helps him stand up?)
- GOAT -- Wrong answer: Get Out And Try (good sentiment, but no)
- TYSM -- Wrong answer: To You, Sir, Monkeybread (Sounds delicious, but huh-uh)
- NVM -- Wrong answer: No Value Mail (is that like junk mail or spam?)
- FTW -- Wrong answer: Flippin' Timex Watch (Issues with your timepiece?)
- IMHO -- Wrong answer: A couple of test-takers related it to IHOP pancakes (Melo said "I'm a ho?")
- FWIW -- Wrong answer: For What I Want (Soooo close)
- TLDR -- Wrong answer: Toddler? (I actually got this one right, but only because I encountered it the day before and asked my teenage daughter what it meant)
- YOLO -- Wrong answer: You loser! (That's not very nice)
- LMK -- Wrong answer: Something to do with Martin Luther King (yeah, no)
- TFW -- Wrong answer: Too few words (nice try, but not close Melo)
- IRL -- Wrong answer: Something to do with internet address? (Melo said I rarely lie, but she also called herself a ho earlier soooo ...)
- ILY -- Wrong answer: I'll Let You Know (Where'd the 'K' go?)
- BTW -- Wrong answer: Actually, everyone got this one right (even "old guy" Dan)
- NBD -- Wrong answer: Melo (who rarely lies) said NoBody Died
- FOMO -- Wrong answer: Everyone got this one, although sadly it's a real psychological disorder
- LOL -- Wrong answer: No, grandma, it's not Lots Of Love
- HMU -- Wrong answer: This stumped everyone, although Melo ventured a guess, "Hold My Umbrella" (I didn't say it was a good guess)
- SMH -- Wrong answer: So Much Hate (Maybe another psychological disorder?)
- ICYMI -- Wrong answer: I'll see You in a MInute (Not even close)
Correct answers
- OMG -- Oh My Gosh (surprise!)
- GOAT -- Greatest Of All Time (MJ or LeBron?)
- TYSM -- Thank You So Much (I'm really grateful, but also lazy)
- NVM -- Nevermind (fuggetaboutit!)
- FTW -- For The Win (Usually uttered alongside a really good burn)
- IMHO -- In My Humble Opinion (Also, IMNSHO or In My Not So Humble Opinion)
- FWIW -- For What It's Worth (usually a lowkey way of correcting someone)
- TLDR -- Too Long, Didn't Read (ever gotten one of those reallllly long texts?)
- YOLO -- You Only Live Once (often texted right before making a really bad decision)
- LMK -- Let Me Know (supposed to mean we expect an answer, usually gets ignored)
- TFW -- That Feeling When ... (usually accompanying a cool picture, i.e. -- TFW I made brisket and everyone loved it)
- IRL -- In real Life (not in the cyber world that many of us live in)
- ILY -- I Love You (awwwwww)
- BTW -- By The Way (Usually a reminder, i.e. -- BTW tomorrow's our anniversary)
- NBD -- No Big Deal (although often it really was a big deal)
- FOMO -- Fear Of Missing Out (why we do stupid stuff sometimes
- LOL -- Laugh Out Loud (now that's funny)
- HMU -- Hit Me Up (or contact me later)
- SMH -- Shaking My Head (usually at an incredible display of stupidity)
- ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It (often sent as a reminder)

SGPD Wants Southern Utahns To Feel A Part Of The Team
The St. George Police Department has its hands full with the explosive growth here in Southern Utah.
And while they are growing and expanding themselves, the SGPD has made no secret that it would love the community to become a part of keeping the peace in Utah's Dixie.
"We love our community and we strive daily to connect with you! Now you can wear your support for #SGPD with our newest t-shirt design and "Stanley" type tumblers. All items are SOLD AT COST, no profit is made on any item we sell. We simply want our citizens to feel part of #IamSGPD."
The pricing is pretty amazing as the police department would love to have everyone in town wearing their swag. You can get a #iamsgpd t-shirt for just $7 up to size XL and $11 for XXL.
The Stanley mugs/tumblers are just $11.65.
The shirts come in three different colors -- black, grey and navy -- and have the #imasgpd logo on front.
"You can purchase these at our front counter, Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00. We are located at 265 N 200 E. If you have questions, feel free to call us at 435-627-4301."

Southern Utah Theaters Celebrating Christmas (But Sadly No 'Elf')
I was pretty pumped when I read this news story this morning on the wire:
"In the spirit of the holidays, the Empire State Building is marking 20 years since the movie 'Elf' hit the big screen. Festivities celebrating the film starring Will Ferrell kick off today. For tonight only, the building will be lit in green and yellow to commemorate the anniversary. As part of the celebration, “Elf” is coming back to the big screen. Starting Nov. 17, the Will Ferrell Christmas classic will return to participating theaters in celebration of its 20th anniversary."
But the excitement was short-lived as a quick search of our local theaters (I looked at the websites for Pineview, Sunset and Coral Cliffs) revealed that none of the three will be showing the incredibly funny Christmas movie.
The funny tale about the human elf and his journey to New York City to find his biological father would have been a perfect flick to show on the big screen while munching on some popcorn and sipping a soda.
But alas, no go. However, our local theaters are bringing back some old favorites just in time for the holiday season.
At Pineview and Sunset, both owned and operated by the Larry H. Miller Megaplex brand, Wonka, Saving Private Ryan (a favorite of mine) and Monty Python and the Holy Grail are back on the big screen, while we can also expect to see Christmas movies like The Grinch, A Christmas Story and Because of Bethlehem.
Also, I will admit that a new animated movie, Wish, comes out next week and it has me looking forward to witnessing what it means by the tagline, :"Be careful what you wish for."
As for Coral Cliffs in Hurricane, I didn't see any hint of Christmas movies on their way, although Wish will be there next week and a show is playing right now called The Great Turkey Town Miracle.
Maybe if enough of us request it, we can get them to bring Elf back on the big screen. It's the least they could do for the 20th anniversary.

Bella? Luna? Max? Utah Lacks Imagination When It Comes To Dog Names
Utah is an incredible place, with creative, funny and unique humans inhabiting the Beehive State.
But you wouldn't know it from our dogs' names.
While Utah parents are great at thinking outside of the box in naming our kids -- think Zephyr, Jaxson, Steele, Lakynn, etc. -- we are miserable when it comes to naming our dogs.
It's not necessarily that the names are bad, they're just, well, common.
The top four dog names in the United States are Bella, Luna, Max and Daisy. The top four dog names in Utah are Bella, Luna, Daisy and Max.
Exactly the same top four.
Utah produces such unique kids names like Taylee, Mahonri, Boztin, and Bracken for our kids. So why are we so bland when it comes to our pets?
On the list of top dog names, compiled by USNews.com, Utah's list reads like, well, pretty much everyone else's list.
In fact, Bella is the top dog name in 38 of the 51 states (we're counting Washington, D.C. here too). Luna, Utah's No. 2 name, was the top name in eight of the remaining 13 states. Only Charlie (Nebraska and North Dakota), Copper (Alaska), Boo (Hawaii) and Lucy (Iowa) had top names that weren't Bella or Luna (Bella was actually second in Alaska and Iowa and third in Hawaii).
Utah's No. 5 name, Bear, was a bit creative and is just the 17th most popular dog name in America, but I like Hawaii's list.
In the Aloha State, Boo (or Bu) is No. 1 and means buddy or good friend. Buddy was No. 2 in Hawaii, followed by Bella, Koa (Hawaiian for "warrior") and Coco (actually Koko, which means "blood" in Hawaiian).
But bonus points definitely go to the Klondike State. Alaska's Copper was not on any other state's top five list and didn't make the list of the top 100 names in the country.
Now that's unique.
By the way Wyoming, what's up with dogs named Chloe and Murphy? Sounds like characters from a 1980s sitcom.

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