I am not a realtor. Nor do I want to be a realtor.

I've carved out my niche as a radio guy, but some of my best friends are realtors (seriously). And truth be told, I wouldn't mind a three percent or even one percent cut of the sale of the house in this story.

That's because I went hunting for big houses for sale in Washington County. And not 3,000-square feet big. I mean HUGE. They weren't hard to find, but they are hard to afford. Still, if you have a few million bucks laying around. You can't go wrong with these.

Each of these homes is for sale and has more than 10,000 square feet of living space.

1. Little Valley home with 15,650 square feet (link for more info is here). Estimated monthly payment: $17,040 (based on 20 percent down and a 30-year mortgage).



2. Washington home with 13,335 square feet (link for more info is here). Estimated monthly payment: $34,967 (based on 20 percent down and a 30-year mortgage).



3. Ivins home with 11,134 square feet (link for more info is here). Estimated monthly payment: $25,672 (based on 20 percent down and a 30-year mortgage).



4. Stone Cliff home with 10,722 square feet (link for more info is here). Estimated monthly payment: $25,677 (based on 20 percent down and a 30-year mortgage).



5. Central home with 10,180 square feet (link for more info is here). Estimated monthly payment: $27,544 (based on 20 percent down and a 30-year mortgage).


If you've got lots of money and the need for lots of room to roam, these are the BIG houses for you.

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