Getting To The Bottom Of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is grabbing a lot of headlines lately, with supporters of the technology saying it is changing all of our lives for the better, while detractors saying it is a dangerous step forward in tech that will ultimately lead to the downfall of mankind.
Jamie Susskind, in an article on the Financial Times website wrote, "(AI is) a remarkable but potentially dangerous step forward in human affairs, necessitating new and careful forms of governance."
First things first: What is AI? A simple definition online says "Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind."
You likely are already using some basic forms of AI in your life, such as Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant. Your car's adaptable cruise control, lane correction and even auto on-off technologies are examples of AI in everyday use.
Dr. Jennifer Keating is a teaching professor and the writing in the disciplines specialist in the William S. Dietrich II Institute for Writing Excellence at the University of Pittsburgh. In collaboration with an artist and roboticist, she has designed and taught courses including Conflict and Technology and AI and Humanity.
She declares AI is here, whether we like it or not.
"Artificial Intelligence is pervading our world, and it is changing power structures, information ownership and challenging basic definitions of humanity and society. To function in a rapidly changing technology age, we must all be fluent with the promises, limitations and boundary conditions of AI."
A fascinating article about the potential use and limitations of AI can be found on the website makeuseof.com. In the article, author Raji Oluwaniyi surmises "While AI is designed to replace manual labor with a more effective and quicker way of doing work, it cannot override the need for human input in the workspace." and then backs up his hypothesis with eight reasons why AI will never fully replace humans in the workplace.
1. AI Lacks Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is one distinguishing factor that makes humans forever relevant in the workplace. The importance of emotional intelligence in the workspace cannot be overemphasized, especially when dealing with clients.
As social animals, one basic, undeniable need of humans is the need for emotional connection with others. AI tries to mimic human intelligence, but emotional intelligence is not as easy to replicate as intellectual intelligence. Why? Because it requires empathy and a deep understanding of the human experience, especially pain and suffering, and AI simply doesn't feel pain.
Smart business owners and company executives understand the importance of appealing to the emotions of staff and clients. A machine can't achieve such levels of human connection, but, as a human, there are ways to increase your emotional intelligence.
2. AI Can Only Work With Input Data
AI can only function based on the data it receives. Anything more than that would take on more than it can handle, and machines are not built that way. So, when the data inputs into the machine do not include a new area of work, or its algorithm does not include unforeseen circumstances, the machine becomes useless.
These situations are common in the tech and manufacturing industries, and AI builders constantly try to find temporary workarounds. The idea that AI tools will adapt to any situation is one of several common myths around artificial intelligence.
Therefore, if you fear that AI may infiltrate all industries and eliminate the demand for your professional skills, you can rest assured that won't happen. Human reasoning and the human brain's power to analyze, create, improvise, maneuver, and gather information cannot easily be replicated by AI.
When brainstorming creative concepts and ways of doing work, AI lacks this human ability because, as already established, AI can only work with the data it receives. Hence, it cannot think up new ways, styles, or patterns of doing work and is restricted to the given templates.
Employers and employees know how important creativity is in the workspace. Creativity offers the pleasant sensation of something new and different instead of the boring, repetitive actions in which AI is designed to function. Creativity is the bedrock of innovation.
Related to creative thinking is the ability to think outside the box. Machines are designed to "think within the box." That means AI tools can only function within the dictates of their given data.
On the other hand, humans can think outside the box, sourcing information from various means and generating solutions to complex problems with little or no available data. Since AI does not possess the ability to think out of the box and generate creative ideas for innovation, AI cannot take over humans in the workspace.
Soft skills are a must-have for every worker in the workspace. They include teamwork, attention to detail, critical and creative thinking, effective communication, and interpersonal skills, to mention but a few. These soft skills are in demand in every industry, and you must develop them to succeed professionally.
Humans are taught and required to possess these skills; developing them is valuable for everyone, regardless of position. Company executives need them to thrive, as do a team of field workers in any industry. Hence, these soft skills give you the upper hand over AI in the workspace.
However, soft skills are alien to machines with artificial intelligence. AI cannot develop these soft skills critical to workplace development and growth. Developing these skills requires a high level of reasoning and emotional intelligence.
5. Humans Make AI Work
There would be no artificial intelligence without human intelligence. The term artificial intelligence means humans design it. Humans write the lines of code with which AI is developed. The data AI machines operate with are inputted by humans. And it is humans that use these machines.
6. AI Is Meant to Complement Human Ability and Intelligence, Not Compete With It
Artificial intelligence applications are indeed gaining ground in the workplace, and they will replace many jobs people perform today. However, the jobs it takes are often limited to repetitive tasks requiring less intense reasoning. Additionally, evolving workplace demands will create new roles for humans as the world moves towards a more integrated tech landscape.
A report by the World Economic Forum shows that while machines with AI will replace about 85 million jobs in 2025, about 97 million jobs will be made available in the same year thanks to AI. So, the big question is: How can humans work with AI instead of being replaced by it? That should be our focus.
Because in this present age, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to live without AI—and without humans, there would be no artificial intelligence. Forward-thinking organizations are already developing ways to incorporate human capabilities and AI to attain higher levels of productivity and innovation.
8. AI Can't Perform Manual Labor
White-collar jobs such as writer, programmer, accountant, and designer require working with software and are hence more susceptible to being done—at least partly—by AI systems.
However, blue-collar jobs such as plumber, electrician, police officer, bricklayer, and construction worker are far from being at risk of obsolescence due to AI as they require manual labor.
After all, you can't ask ChatGPT to build a building. Perhaps in the distant future, AI systems will be able to build homes with automated 3D printers, but for the foreseeable future, blue-collar work seems safe from AI invasion. Because blue-collar work may become more lucrative in the near future.
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