A house fire was reported in St. George during the early morning of February 13, causing a family to seek other locations for shelter.

The fire reportedly started in the attic of the house located at 100 South 2000 East when the residents of the home smelled smoke.

The family promptly evacuated and called 911 with no injuries reported. Fire workers arrived on the scene at about 3 a.m. and began to take apart various parts of the ceiling to dispose of burning insulation.

According to St. George Fire Chief Robert Stoker, the fire appears to have started because of some faulty electrical lines running through the home's ceiling. Still, an investigation is expected to reveal more details.

The family who resides in the home will live in temporary lodgings until they can decide what to do with their damaged home.

Whenever we write about fires in Southern Utah, Chief Stoker always pushes residents to perform maintenance on their heating appliances.

Things like dust accumulation on a space heater could be just the spark to burn your home to the ground, but it may also just have a bad smell when you start it up for the first time during the Winter.

Chief Stoker said this risk is too great to leave to chance, and the St. George Fire Department responds to many calls with this type of situation.

You also need to clean out your ventilation system if possible because that’s another way for dust to accumulate, which is the perfect kindling for house fires.

Be aware of the status of your home by performing regular maintenance on heating appliances, especially if they haven’t been in use for some time.


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