Believe it or not, it's been over 8 years since 17 year old Macin Smith disappeared from his St. George home and never returned. Macin was a senior at Desert Hills High School. When Macin didn't return home from school, it was discovered that Macin didn't go to school, or even get on the bus that morning!


Macin was a big fan of Anime, style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults. It was common for Macin to be up all night watching Anime on his phone or iPad, so his parents would usually unplug the wifi router at night time to ensure Macin would actually go to sleep. That night, the router was not unplugged and around 1:30am, Macin's dad got up to check on him. He discovered Macin was in his bed watching Anime. His dad, Darrin, took the phone and iPad and told Macin to go to sleep. The next morning, they could hear Macin getting ready for school. It felt like a normal day until Macin didn't return home. Macin's parents, Tracy and Darrin, phoned St. George Police and filed a Missing Persons Report. They were thinking (and hoping) that Macin was angry about having his iPad taken and was "blowing off steam" and would return home later. He never did.

Macin didn't take his phone or wallet when he left, which makes this case even more confusing. About a week or so later, Macin's mom and Aunt found a note tucked into Macin's wallet. That note has never been fully released to the public, but it has been stated that his Mom and Aunt believed he had committed suicide. His mom mentioned the note said he was "Done". However, that could mean many things! St. George Police believed MOST people that commit suicide leave the note out for the family to find, and don't necessarily hide it for people to see. The note was also not written to anyone in particular.

There have been many people who have claimed to have seen Macin, but still nothing official to confirm.


In 2018 at a Panda Express in West Valley, Utah, a man approached two women asking them for change to catch the bus. The two women both gave him change and he was on his way. Later, they learned of the Macin Smith case and were both adamant the man asking for change WAS INDEED Macin Smith. They even mentioned that the man had a speech impediment, which Macin DID have! Mason's mom, Tracy had the girls call Macin's phone to hear his voice on his voicemail, and they confirmed that voice was the one they heard from that man at the Panda Express. Panda Express' security cameras were not filming during the time.


There have been SEVERAL search parties with horses and cadaver dogs searching around 50 square miles of Macin's home in St. George. Which leaves even more questions than answers. 50 square miles and STILL no sign of him?


In 2017, there was an episode of Disappeared about the Macin Smith case. You can watch this show on MAX (formerly HBO). Macin's episode is Season 8 Episode 2. In the episode, Macin's Dad, Darrin mentioned that people believe he killed his son. Both Macin's parents took a polygraph test, to which they claim they passed. On the Disappeared Episode, they said St. George Police never confirmed if they passed or didn't pass and called it an open investigation still.


After over 8 years, I started to believe Macin wasn't alive anymore and that he probably committed suicide. However... After learning more about this case, my mind has changed. With NO SIGN of Macin or his remains within 50 square miles of St. George, I believe he is ALIVE. It seems strange that someone would go far away to commit suicide. If you were going to end your life, would you decide to hitchhike out of town first? Would you decide to walk 30 miles away THEN commit suicide? I don't believe someone would do that. The fact that NO REMAINS of Macin's have been found in the area, I believe he got away and is alive somewhere. But, why would Macin not return or call his mom after 8 years? Embarrassment? Fear of charges being pressed for disappearing? I don't know... But I don't believe Macin took his own life. I believe we will someday have answers to this wild cold case here in St. George, Utah!

If you’ve seen Macin Smith please call the St. George Police Dept. (435) 627-4300.

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People are PISSED! The Rock Just Said WHAT About Utahns?!

Delta Center / WWE Smackdown
Delta Center / WWE Smackdown

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was in town this weekend for WWE Smackdown at The Delta Center! The Rock has been known for his professional wrestling career that dates back to 1996. Many know his catchphrase "Can You Smell What The Rock Is Cookin'!?" Others know him from his acting career where he's reached the highest point of stardom anyone can reach. He's worth well over $250,000,000.

Delta Center

While in the ring at WWE Smackdown at The Delta Center, The Rock took the mic and congratulated the crowd in Salt Lake City. "The Rock has got some good news to share... tonight it is official you have broken an in-door attendance record, not for the city of Salt Lake, but the entire state of Utah. Congratulations. Here's the record you broke, you broke the all-time record for the largest gathering of trailer park trash The Rock has ever seen!"

Johnson continued to berate the crowd in Salt Lake, while being met with boos, "Are you sure you want to boo The Rock? Finally your life has meaning, finally you and your 50 wives will have a story to tell. You'll have a story to tell your 600 inbred grandchildren one day!"

Delta Center
Delta Center

The absolute obliteration of the crowd in Salt Lake City quickly hit online, while The Rock had a slight smile on his face. Now, was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson being serious about Utahns or was he playing into the show at WWE Smackdown? You know, they say 'every joke has grain of truth'.

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It's Finally Happening! A 2nd In-N-Out Burger Is Coming To St. George!


I've been dreaming about this day for years now. An announcement has been made that a 2nd In-N-Out Burger is ALL but officially coming St. George! The 1st In-N-Out was brought to Telegraph in Washington in 2007. The lines were HOURS LONG for weeks, even months after that location finally opened up! Nearly 17 years later, we're finally going to get ANOTHER location here in St. George!

I've been very vocal about the necessity of another location on the other side of town for a while now, and while the new location will NOT be where I was thinking (Bluff Street in K-Mart Parking Lot), it's even closer to my home! 

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The NEW In-N-Out Location in St. George is set to be coming to Exit 2 on the Southern Parkway exit next to the Terrible's Gas Station and diagonal across the street from Big Shots Golf! This location is awesome! It's right off I-15 for all the traffic coming North from Arizona, California, and Nevada.

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This announcement was also confirmed to be on it's way from Macrae Heppler on his "What's Happening Here In Southern Utah" series. If you don't follow Macrae on Facebook, you should. He's always dropping "#MacBombs" about new construction, restaurants, stores, and more!

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In Macrae's video, he also mentioned a third location of Del Taco hitting St. George, right next door to the In-N-Out Burger! This south end of town is absolutely blowing up, and I am THRILLED about it!

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We Found It! Southern Utah's ABSOLUTE BEST Sugar Cookie!

attachment-best sugar cookie

In a state where "Cookie Wars" are real things, and a new cookie shop will pop up all over town... I've found the place to get the BEST Sugar Cookie in all of Southern Utah! Move over Crumbl, move over Swig... Make way for The Sugar Cookie! The Sugar Cookie is located between Applebee's and Winger's here in St. George and these cookies are INCREDIBLE! They've been here for a while now, and if you STILL haven't tried them, you're really missing out!


I've only ever bought their mini's before, but they're perfect for parties or just for the whole family! You're not having to buy cookies that are big enough to be called "Cake". Plus, totally affordable too! But what I really love about these cookies are the ICING! It's soft and delicious. The flavor is not overly sweet. The cookies themselves are extremely soft too!

They've got tons of different flavors too! Flavors like...

  • Samoa
  • Red Velvet
  • Chocolate Cream Cheese
  • Double Chocolate
  • Chocolate Vanilla
  • Original
  • Orange
  • Cherry
  • Coconut
  • Lemon

The Sugar Cookie is open Monday-Saturday, and they're a PERFECT idea for Valentine's Day. Give them a shot! You will not regret it!

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