Bees. I guess today is the day. I just found out listening to the news that today is National Face Your Fears day.

I didn't know such a day existed, but here it is. And, I find it more than ironic that I found out about National Face Your Fears Day from a media that would love to keep me in a constant state of fear, but that's a discussion for another day.

Anyway, back to the bees. That is the one fear that comes to the top of my mind. I know what you're thinking. Bees?!!? Bees that make the flowers grow? Bees that produce honey? Don't you realize you live in the state of Deseret?!!? All true, yet I remain afraid of bees. I can't explain it. If I've been stung by a bee it's been no more than once.


But one time I pulled the car off to the side of the freeway and got out, and asked my wife to chase the bee out of the back window. She rolled her eyes but kindly escorted the beast outside.

Put me in a room with bees and if I had access to the nuclear launch codes, I'd start singing like a canary.

But, apparently, today is the day I need to face that fear. Why do we even have a National Face Your Fear Day?


National Face Your Fear Day serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of confronting our fears and overcoming the barriers that hold us back. Fear is a universal emotion that can paralyze us, preventing personal and professional growth. This observance encourages individuals to acknowledge their fears, face them head-on, and take decisive steps towards overcoming them.

But, this is not an easy task. It demands courage, determination, and a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone. However, the rewards of overcoming fears are immeasurable. By confronting our fears, we gain confidence in our abilities and develop resilience in the face of challenges.


National Face Your Fear Day promotes the idea that acknowledging our fears is the first step towards conquering them. Whether it's fear of failure, fear of public speaking, or fear of the unknown, this day encourages people to confront these fears and take proactive measures to overcome them.

The benefits of facing our fears can lead to personal empowerment and self-discovery. When we confront our fears, we often discover hidden strengths and capabilities within ourselves that we never knew existed. This newfound self-confidence can positively impact various aspects of our lives, including relationships, careers, and overall well-being.


I can address this to a certain degree. There was a time in my life where I was faced with unemployment and was fearful for what the future would bring for me and my family. Job prospects at the time were few, but somehow, with the help of family and friends, we were able to cobble together various part time situations and found our way through the difficult time. I came out of the situation a better person.


National Face Your Fear Day serves as a reminder that fear should not control our lives. Instead, it empowers us to confront our fears, embrace challenges, and achieve our goals.

Maybe that can start by disengaging from those things that bring fear in to our lives. Or perhaps we just meet things head on. Either way, we can enhance our day to day experiences.


Well, time for me to go home now. I'll head down to the car and be on my way. Of course, before I open the car door, I'll check for bees. Don't even get me started on wasps....

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Below, check out some famous musicians and actors that you may be surprised to learn are Wiccan, interested in the Occult, or have been associated with—or presumed to practice—witchcraft.

Gallery Credit: Jessica Norton

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