20 Superheroes Inspired By Southern Utah
I'm a really big fan of superheroes. I'm a big collector of comic books, I've seen every Marvel and DC movie, and I'm not even mildly ashamed to admit any of it.
Nerd Alert Bumper GIF - Nerd Alert Bumper Adam Devine ...
As you know, Batman protects Gotham. Superman has Metropolis. Spider-Man has Manhattan, and Daredevil fights evil in Hell's kitchen.
But what about St George, Utah? What about Cedar City? When will Beaver get its own superhero? And if they do, what would those heroes look like?
Well have no fear citizens. Help is on the way! Here are 20 superheroes that you would most likely see see in Southern Utah.
Truth be told, you will probably recognize all of these heroes as people you already know. So much for secret identities...
Up up and away!
If Southern Utah Had Superheroes
Ever wonder what a comic book set in Southern Utah would look like? Well wonder no more!

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13 Words Only Utahns Know How To Pronounce
If you can say these words like a local, you must be from Utah