Weird Ways To Cool Off This Week in Southern Utah
The Southern Utah summer temperatures are crazy right now and have been causing power outages, fires, and air conditioners to blow.
Locals and tourists alike are feeling the heat and maybe staying inside all day isn't the answer. So, here are some super unique ways to cool off when the usual ways don’t work:
Go Barefoot
Obviously, don’t go out with bare feet on the sidewalks or anything because you will get burned. However, the hands and feet are crucial for cooling down quickly so if you’re feeling overheated, slip off those shoes. A University of Texas at Austin article said the highest blood flow is in the hands and feet so taking off your socks or gloves will have an almost immediate effect.
For an added bonus, place your hands and feet in a water tub of either as cool as is comfortable at 68 degrees or lower. Be careful not to do too cold of water as that will reduce the blood flow.
Add A Little Spice
Though you may be tempted to reach for some ice cream or a milkshake, consider grabbing a spicy snack. I know it may sound crazy, but its science based, I swear. The Huff Post said that it's common to find spicy flavoring in other countries like Africa and Central America where it can get really hot, and the reason is that it makes you sweat.
That may sound counterproductive, but sweating is your body’s way of cooling down naturally. Peppers will increase your internal body temperature forcing a good sweat and once that’s evaporated, your body starts to cool down, the Huff Post said.
Let's say you have the unfortunate luck to have your air conditioner break down in this scorching weather. You can do a makeshift AC until you can get it repaired by simply setting some ice cubes in front of a fan. This could also just be for during those moments you need an extra cool down.
This one may seem a little out there but sometimes just getting your mind off the heat is enough. The National Library of Medicine did a study on the sleep benefits reported by women from using self-hypnosis. Experiencing lower body temperatures was one benefit that most women claimed.
So, settle into a cozy place, snuggle up, and let yourself dream of cooler temperatures.