KDXU Sunrise Stories for July 17, 2023
KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 13
Statewide News – 07/17/23
Blood Donation Requirements Eased in Utah Location
ARUP Blood Services in Northern Utah is the first blood donation organization in Utah to loosen requirements to donate.
This new change was made to allow more donors with different sexual orientations. The director of ARUP said the questions during test screenings regarding sexual history have been replaced with three new inclusive questions.
The officials of ARUP hope this change will bring new donors to their various centers across Northern Utah as the need for blood is high. These new changes will go into effect July 18.
Southern Utah/St. George News
More Details on Diamond Ranch Academy Shutdown
After news broke regarding the denial of license renewal for Diamond Ranch Academy from the State of Utah on July 14, the Diamond Ranch Academy officially announced the closure of the Hurricane based teen residential treatment facility.
The academy said the reason for the shutdown comes from “unfair treatment from the State of Utah.”
The academy has been on probation from the State due to the passing of 17-year-old Taylor Goodridge in December 2022.
Fire Crews Fighting Blaze Near Hildale
Southern Utah fire fighters are keeping a fire at bay by Hildale. The blaze was initially believed to span 20 acres, but later reports confirmed the fire had been reduced to over seven acres as of July 16.
Authorities have asked the public to not fly drones over the fire, as a drone caused an aircraft that was assisting fire crews to ground on the morning of July 16.
Check out Utah fire info for the latest updates on the fire.
Injured Driver Refuses Transport After Udderly Baffling Accident
A car accident involving two cows occurred on Pine Valley Road on July 16, injuring the driver.
The driver refused transport to the hospital, and as for the cows, they were nowhere to be seen once the authorities had arrived.
Hot Weather Issues Roundup
A hiker had to be transported to the hospital after suffering from a severe case of heat stroke while on a trail in Snow Canyon on July 16.
Temperatures hit a high of 115 degrees on July 16 in St. George, but it was even hotter for some unlucky residents in Southern Utah thanks to a power outage.
The outage occurred from approximately 5:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. across the area surrounding Pine view High School.
Today is still going to be hot with a high temperature of 112 degrees.
Fun fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories.
Stockton got his name thanks to a bet made between his mom and his oldest brother. Stockton’s mom was very confident that he was actually going to be a girl, but his oldest brother said the opposite.
They decided to bet on who was right. The winner got to name the new baby.
If Stockton was a girl, he would've been named Hannah, but since he ended up being a boy, his brother went with Stockton (named after NBA legend John Stockton).
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Stay cool today.
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