KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 43 


Statewide News – 08/30/23 

Utah Offers Support to Florida for Hurricane Response 

Residents from Utah are heading out to Florida to give support for Hurricane Idalia. 

Three volunteers with the Utah chapter of the American Red Cross and a member from Utah Task Force One will be a part of the disasters team in Florida. 

They will assist by providing supplies and support to those who were affected by the storm. 

If you would like to assist with recovery efforts, the Red Cross recommends donating blood. 

Blood is highly needed before emergency situations like this one. 

Puppies Rescued by Police after Abandonment 

A crate full of doodle breed puppies was retrieved by Northern Utah authorities after being abandoned on the side of a highway. 

Police brought the pups to the North Utah Animal Shelter for safe keeping. Police said the one who abandoned the puppies could face criminal charges. 

Staff from the shelter are asking the public to refrain from inquiring about the adoption of the puppies since they need to stay in the shelter for five days. 


Southern Utah/St. George News – 08/30/23 

Vehicle Thefts on the Rise in Washington County 

Vehicle thefts, and thefts from vehicles, are on the rise in Washington County in the early hours of the morning. 

According to PIO Tiffany Mitchell from the St. George Police Department, there is a very simple way to prevent these types of thefts.  

Don’t keep your valuables in your vehicle, lock your door, and report anything suspicious to the SGPD.  

Another problem that’s come from these thefts is when the thieves steal firearms from vehicles, which is a common occurrence in the state of Utah. 

The thieves then use the firearms to cause more crimes of higher danger. 

Keep your keys with you, keep your wallet with you, and keep your firearm locked up for the safety of yourself and others. 

Dixie Bowl Catches Fire 

Classic St. George bowling alley Dixie Bowl caught fire in the late hours of August 29. 

The fire reportedly started in the kitchen, and an evacuation ensued. It’s unknown how much damage the fire caused in the building, but fire crews were able to put out the flames before anyone was hurt.  

The fire did not spread to the other businesses in the area. 

International Overdose Awareness Day 

A special walk dubbed “A Light to Remember” will take place at Utah Tech University on August 31 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in support of International Overdose Awareness Day. 

The annual observance focuses on providing support, education, and understanding of what has become a serious problem in Utah.  

Utah’s overdose rate is among some of the highest in the United States. 

Utah Shakespeare Festival Honors Military 

The Utah Shakespeare Festival is offering free tickets to one of their many shows this season for military personnel. 

Titled Military Appreciation Days, members of the military can get free tickets from September 4 to September 9.  

Tickets can be reserved now with more information on the Utah Shakespeare Festival website. 


Fun fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories. 

Stockton had a dog for most of his life named Milo. 

Milo was a Teacup Poodle, and he actually belonged to his sister. Milo was the sweetest poodle on the planet in his eyes, but he really loved to...umm...mark his territory in the house. It got to the point where Stockon’s mom would put a diaper on Milo because he just couldn’t control himself. 

Halfway through the week! You can make it!  

Happy Wednesday. 

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