Pine Hollow Fire Facts
The Pine Hollow Fire started in the evening of July 29.
BLM Law Enforcement evacuated Stateline Campground last night and fire fighters protected the site.
The fire is moving both north and south. Resources at risk include California condors, permitted livestock, and range facilities.
Fire managers anticipating transition from the Type 3 team to a Type 2 team in the next 24 hours.
Fire Size/Containment: 2,771 acres
Location: 20 miles east of Kanab
Ownership: BLM Arizona Strip and Paria River Districts
Fire Behavior: Active
Cause: Natural, lightning
Structures Threatened: No
Closures: Managers are asking the public’s assistance by avoiding all travel on the following roads: House Rock Valley Road (BLM 1065) from Hwy 89 to Hwy 89A, the Winter Road and FS 248.
Evacuations: Stateline campground on House Rock Valley Road (BLM 1065)
Fuels/terrain: Grass, brush, woodlands
Resources Assigned: 1 Type 3 engine, 4 Type 4 engines, 8 Type 6 engines, 1 Type 2 water tender, 1 Type 1 water tender, 1 Type 1 helicopter, 1 Type 3 helicopter.
Injuries: No