St. Georges Own Ms. Senior Universe Gives Us Some Goals We Can Actually Handle
She was admittedly a "chubby" housewife, who had no interest in physical fitness.
Now, she is Ms. Senior Universe and she lives right here in St. George. And she's won 49 medals in the different iterations of the World Senior Games around the world.
So when Marianne Hamilton has advice on fitness and just getting healthier, she offers the advice from a place of experience.
Hamilton, who is training for this Saturday's Virgin River Half Marathon, says getting healthier doesn't have to be painful, mentally or physically.
"Don't be so hard on yourself," she said. "We all screw up, and you should never ever deny yourself something completely. Then it becomes an obsession. Just have it, enjoy, get past it and then move on."
The key, she says, is to set goals or resolutions that are realistic. Baby steps, as they say.
Here is her list of doable resolutions for the new year:
1. Hydrate -- "We need to hydrate more. It's so important. Water is your principle chemical component." Hamilton also recommends juice and even sports drinks if you are working out at a high level. Stay away from soda pop, especially diet drinks.
2. Get moving -- "We all need at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. Find that sweet spot That breaks down to about 30 minutes a day, five days a week," Exercise can be as simple as walking or hiking or an organized sport like pickle ball, softball or basketball. Hamilton even suggests that ballroom dancing can really help.
3. Unplug for an hour -- "So many of us have become completely addicted to our screens, especially our smartphones." The more hours you sit a day, the worse off you are, plus it's disrespectful to stare at your phone when there are others in the room wanting your attention.
4. Eulogize the living -- "Too often we wait until someone has passed on before we let our feelings for them be known." Hamilton suggests telling people how you feel about them, or what you like about them, shouldn't wait.
5. Don't stress abut the entire year -- "If you've made these promises to yourself and you fall off the wagon for a day or two, don't get down on yourself. You can always get back on and try again."
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