KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 187 


Statewide News – 04/08/24 

Solar Eclipse Viewable at 50% in Utah 

The last full solar eclipse for the next 20 years is expected to occur today starting at about 11:15 a.m. and will last until about 1:35 p.m. 

While viewable around most of the United States, only certain parts of the eastern U.S. will be able to view the eclipse at 100% totality, meaning they’ll be able to see the moon cover the entirety of the sun from their viewpoint. 

Utah on the other hand will be able to view the eclipse at 50%, so that means residents won’t be able to view the eclipse in its full glory. The peak totality is expected to happen around 12:23 p.m. and will stay that way for about four and half minutes. Please wear the proper protective eyewear if you plan to view the eclipse.  

LDS President Announces 15 New Temples with 2 Planned for Utah 

President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke at the end of the April 2024 session of General Conference and announced 15 new temples that are planned  to be built in locations around the world. 

Among the 15 new temples, two were announced for Utah. The two new temples will be built in Lehi and South Jordan respectively. No time frame was given for the completion of the new holy structures. 

Other announced temples from the church include the Edinburgh Temple in Scotland which marks the first temple for the European country. Des Mones, Iowa, will also receive a temple in the coming years and is the first temple for the state. 


Southern Utah/St. George News – 04/08/24 

Cedar City Man Sentenced for Attempted Assassination Plot 

A man in Cedar City will be spend seven years in prison for attempting to instigate the murder of two people in New York by hiring a criminal through the dark web in 2021. 

Christopher Pence, 43, was sentenced on April 5 for his actions which were fortunately detected by the FBI before anyone harm could be done. Pence reportedly planned to pay for the murder by using $16,000 in Bitcoin. 

New Ivins City Attorney Announced 

The City Council of Ivins has announced a new city attorney for the area. Bryan Pack has lived in Ivins for the past two decades and previously served as the assistant city attorney in St. George.  

Pack has been serving as the Mesquite city attorney, meaning he’s no stranger to the position he’s been handed. 

Dale Coulam, the previous Ivins city attorney will continue his role as the city manager for the foreseeable future. 

Concert in the Park Series Begins Tonight in St. George 

Tonight marks the beginning of the 2024 Concert in the Park series in St. George. Six bands are scheduled to play at Vernon Worthen Park on the second Monday of every month until September. 

Tonight’s performance comes from The Electric Witness, a local Blues band with beloved local artists at the forefront. Each concert is free and will start at 7:30 p.m. It may be wise to bring a lawn chair and some refreshments if you plan to attend. 

The full band lineup can be found on the City of St. George website. 


Fun fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories. 

Stockton’s niece has been participating in dance competitions as of late. On top of that, she’s been doing quite well in many of them. On April 6, she managed to place in the Top 5 of the whole competition, making her family very proud in the process. She’s planning on traveling to Northern Utah in the coming months for even more dance competitions. 

Happy Monday! 


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