southern utah university

Three I-15 Exits That Cedar City REALLY NEEDS!
Three I-15 Exits That Cedar City REALLY NEEDS!
Three I-15 Exits That Cedar City REALLY NEEDS!
I-15 is one of the BIGGEST interstates in the entire country, and it runs right though the middle of our state! With the amount of growth that is projected for Southern Utah, we need some I-15 Interchanges (exits) badly! The St. George Area now has eight exits with nine & ten on the way in the coming years. Bu...
SUU Awarded Grant To Focus On Regional Workforce
SUU Awarded Grant To Focus On Regional Workforce
SUU Awarded Grant To Focus On Regional Workforce
The project looks to elevate skills in strategic economic priority sectors as designated by the state and to support regional economic policy to bring high paying jobs to southern Utah.
SUU Still a "University of the Parks"
SUU Still a "University of the Parks"
SUU Still a "University of the Parks"
Known as the “University of the Parks” President Benson indicated that SUU is committed to furthering ties with Bryce Canyon National Park for centuries to come.

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