Ladies and Gentlemen of Southern Utah, our reckoning is nearly upon us. I’m of course talking about the Parade of Homes from February 16 – February 25.

Now why am I being so dramatic about the Parade of Homes? The reason lies with the usual traffic flow you’d usually find in Washington County.

Arguably the worst time for traffic in St. George is during the Parade of Homes because a whole lot of people want to tour fancy houses.

It’s so bad that the Washington County Sheriff’s Office had to warn residents of the upcoming event through a somewhat cheeky Facebook post.

The post said, “Tomorrow is February 16th, and that marks the kick-off of the 2024 Parade of Homes. Just like the years before this means an increase in traffic. Plan ahead and watch your speed. Expect people who are visiting to go slow and make sudden stops and lane changes as they are figuring out where to go. We got this Washington County! It only runs through the 25th.”

Many hashtags were added at the end of the post including #putyourbootiesonbeforeyouwalkonthecarpets, which is technically incorrect because this year you need to take off your shoes and walk on the carpet with your socks on, so no booties, but that’s beside the point.

Expect to see heavy levels of traffic in the main areas of St. George, and many of the visitors coming from out of town usually indulge in a bit of golfing, so expect higher levels of traffic around the popular golf courses in Washington County. Nobody is safe from the absolute force of the Parade of Homes. Godspeed my friends.


Utah Burglars Will Always Find These Places!

If you think some of these are good hiding spots, think again. Any burglar worthy of the name knows all of these "secret" places.

Gallery Credit: Elle Cabrera

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