For us old-timers (over the age of 40), 1998 doesn't seem like that long ago.

Until we think hard about it and realize it was more than a quarter-century ago.

So when Shane Jourdain posted a walk-through video of a house in St. George that was built in 1998, but had never been lived in, people sat up and took notice.

The video, embedded below, has been viewed millions of times as people line up and try to figure out how a house that was built more than 25 years ago had never been occupied.

Some commenters on the video were obviously a little perturbed by the fact that the man who had the house built never actually moved in:

  • When you have so much money that you forgot you bought a house -- Bobby Wells III
  • Imagine being able to buy an entire brand new house "just in case" -- stephiekay721
  • Honestly it should low key be illegal to buy a property and own it for 20+ years just for it to sit and never live in it or even touch it like let the house and go and give it to a family who needs  -- Ryan Munzlinger
  • Imagine having so much money, you bought a house and essentially forget about it for 25 years and one day you think, OH YEAH. That house, I should probably sell that -- shelbean213

Apparently the owner of the Emerald Springs home bought the house and intended to move in, but traveled so much that he never had time to settle in and do things like buy furniture and wall decorations.

He has since passed away.

A lot of commenters felt sad for the home for its lack of occupants all this time:

  • Why am I so sad for this house?? Sitting all alone and never lived in. Just waiting to be filled with a family --
  • This is basically a time capsule. Even comes with 1998 edition Cascade and toilet paper. Crazy that it went unlived in for so long -- bathtubGlock
  • This makes me sad, I don't know how to explain it... This house has sat for 30 yrs, waiting for a family to make memories in it -- mfairchildPR
  • That's a shame. plenty of homeless wishing for a roof over their head -- panty_goblin

For those wondering, the house is located in St. George's Emerald Springs subdivision (near Sunset Elementary) off of Dixie Drive.

The average price of a new home in 1998 was $85,000. The home will likely sell for more than $400,000.


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