Since June 1st, 94 percent of wildfires in southern Utah have been caused by humans, each of us plays a role in preventing wildfires. Most human caused fires were accidental, all are preventable. 

Color Country Interagency Fire Managers implemented Stage 1 fire restrictions in two phases across all agency lands in Washington, Iron, Garfield, Kane and part of Beaver counties beginning June 1.  Fire managers continued to see human caused fires across the area throughout the month of June.

Due to increasing human caused wildfire activity, dry conditions, and high fire danger in southwest Utah, Dixie National Forest Fire Managers implemented Stage 1 fire Restrictions across the entire forest Friday, June 26. The following describes the specific restrictions implemented throughout the Dixie National Forest.

Other agencies are similar but should be confirmed with the particular agency for the lands you plan to visit.

When stage 1 fire restrictions are in effect, campfires and charcoal briquettes are allowed ONLY in designated fire grills in Forest Service-developed campgrounds. If you are camping outside of a developed campground, called dispersed camping, during stage 1 fire restrictions, no open fires are allowed.

It’s important to be aware of and abide by current fire restrictions while recreating in the forest, additional restrictions include:


The Following acts are prohibited until further notice:

Igniting, building, maintaining, or using a fire, including charcoal and briquettes, outside a fire structure provided by the agency within a designated area is prohibited.  All debris burning is strictly prohibited.

Campfires are allowed in all developed recreation sites, campgrounds, picnic areas, and home sites that are maintained and administered by the agency, or home sites where running water is present are allowed.  Stoves or grills that are fueled solely by liquid petroleum fuels are also allowed. Holders of Forest Service Special Use Authorizations are exempt from restriction #1; provided such fires are within a fire structure and are within their permitted area.

  1. Discharging, or using any kind of fireworks on unincorporated private land (always prohibited on state and federal lands).
  2. Operating or using any internal or external combustion engine without a spark arresting device properly installed, maintained and in effective working order as determined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) recommended practices J335 and J350.
  3. Detonating of explosives, incendiary or chemical devices, pyrotechnics, or exploding targets, or tracer ammunition (always prohibited on federal land).
  4. Cutting, welding, or grinding of metal in areas of dry vegetation.
  5. Smoking except in an enclosed vehicle or building, or a developed recreation site or areas of a minimum of three (3) feet in diameter cleared down to mineral soil.

All lands within the Dixie National Forest are in fire restrictions and becoming increasingly dry and fire danger is increasing daily.  If you are in developed recreation sites, campgrounds or picnic areas that allows campfires, be sure your campfire is completely out before you leave and all ignition sources are a safe distance away from vegetation to mitigate unwanted wildfires.

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