Halls Crossing to Bullfrog Ferry Back in Service
The newly refurbished Charles Hall Ferry is back in full service providing passage over Lake Powell between the Bullfrog and Hall's Crossing Marinas. The ferry is scheduled to make six round trips daily during the summer, departing Halls Crossing every two hours beginning at 8:00 a.m.
The vessel transports motor vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians within the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (GCNRA) across the only waterway in Utah also designated as a State Highway Route. The ferry provides a relaxing 30-minute boat ride between Bullfrog and Halls Crossing, compared to driving 2 hours and 30 minutes by vehicle (via State Routes 276 and 95).
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has retrofitted the ferry with a new propulsion system, engines and electrical controls. Previous ferry repairs have depended upon antiquated parts being shipped internationally or manufactured. The retrofitting follows a $2-million-dollar extension of loading ramps to aid with lower water levels, constructed in cooperation with the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The combination of these projects is expected to improve reliability of the service for visitors.
"We appreciate the partnership with the GCNRA and our contracted operators and repair crews." says UDOT Regional Deputy Director, Monte Aldridge, "It's always a challenge to service and inspect a vessel in the desert that's over 700 miles from the nearest ocean."
The improvements coupled with an extension of the loading ramps are expected to keep the service operational for several years to come. The ferry is owned by UDOT and is operated by Lake Powell Resorts & Marinas. Passengers should be prepared to abide by social distancing and mask guidelines while aboard the ferry.
For the current fares, schedule, and ferry information, please call the phone information line at 435-893-4747.