For many Christmas eve is almost as exciting as Christmas day.  Preparations are being made with the excitement of Christmas happening the very next day.  Christmas dinner to prepare for, presents to wrap, maybe even visits to family or friends or last minute Christmas shopping…ahem…Men!  As you prepare for the big day or even on Christmas day you may want to take some time to remember those who less fortunate than you.  It’s still not too late. 

There are many charities that are still taking donations no matter what day it is. 

The Utah Food bank needs money and food donations all year long.  You can go to to see all the ways you can still help. 

Switchpoint here in St. George is another great way to help out just go to

The Dove center here in Southwest Utah always needs help their website is

Root For Kids is a wonderful organization for you to help

And don't forget Festival of Trees

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from KDXU!

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