The worst drivers in Utah cause congestion on roadways and eventually traffic accidents. Check out these pics and see if you agree with the problem.

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I am all about being safe while out on our Utah roads, but there is something I started noticing this summer. Cars in Utah stopping WELL before the line at a light. At first I thought it was because of all of the incoming traffic from other states as most of the cars that I was noticing were from....

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California. No worries Californians. You are being extra cautious and I appreciated it. Welcome to Utah.

Welcome but...this is not recommended.
Welcome, but...this is not recommended.

It started getting weird how many cars were stopping oddly before the line. Surely all of these drivers have not been clipped by someone turning too sharply into their lane? Then why on earth are they leaving 1/2 a car length up to a full car length+ before the lines at the lights.

What is happening here? Northern Utah
What is happening here? Northern Utah

Now granted I still think it is better than covering up the cross walks with your impatient driving, but there are consequences I have been noticing.

Cedar City Utah
Cedar City, Utah

When I am behind these particular drivers, who are most of the time slow to start moving as well, most of the time they make it so that at least 2 cars don't make it through the green turn arrow and it starts to back up traffic quickly. Other drivers start getting very impatient causing a bit of short-tempered road rage.

Southern Utah
Southern Utah (More than a car length)

Plus, I have been waiting behind them at several lights that don't turn for a very long time because they are so far back that they aren't tripping the sensor to make the light turn green. It is frustrating.

Southern Utah
STG, Utah 1000 E

Then it became a family joke and I was getting text a ton of pictures of it happening. Can someone please explain why this is becoming a thing? And not just in Southern Utah. It's all over the state!

Northern Utah

What is happening here? I have asked all of the people I know if they do this, and the answer is no. So I need your help, because apparently I don't know any of these people to tell them to stop it.

Bluff and 700 S STG, Utah
Bluff and 700 S STG, Utah

We were discussing this at work and a very good point was brought up, everyone is on their phones when we are stopped at lights so that could contribute to the slow start at lights.

Hurricane, Utah
Hurricane, Utah
Hurricane, Utah
Hurricane, Utah

We are all guilty of it, especially if we are driving for a long time and we are trying to stay off of our phones while driving.

Northern Utah
Northern Utah- WVC, UT

But if we could just take a second to be aware of what is going on around a us we could avoid the frustration and backing up traffic.

Southern Utah
Southern Utah River RD

Please forward this article to anyone your think might need to know, that they are driving us crazy. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. Have a wonderful day.

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Walmart Is Cracking Down On Utah Customers That Use These

With the price of living skyrocketing, many have returned to scouring the internet for coupons to help feed their families.

Clipping coupons
Stephen Vanhorn

If you use coupons listen up! Walmart is changing up their policy regarding coupon usage. This isn't just for those using extreme couponing methods either. Walmart will still be accepting manufactures coupons, just some of the ways they are implementing will change. Walmart does not put out their own coupons or accept digital coupons, but does accept manufacturers coupons.

Walmart Posts Strong First Quarter Earnings
Getty Images

The basic rules haven’t changed, but a couponing website called “Coupons in the News” reported that Walmart updated their coupon policy for the first time in six years in September 2023. One of the biggest changes they noticed in the new policy is that, “Walmart does not give cash back nor will any overages apply to the remaining items in the transaction if the value of a coupon is greater than the purchase value of the item.” That also includes any WIC or SNAP items.

Cost Of Back-To-School Items Rises With Inflation
Getty Images

The policy used to allow Walmart to apply those overages to the total price of your order and give you cash back if there was still an overage after your balance was covered.

Another change that was made to Walmart's policy has to do with overriding their computer system to fix or adjust a coupon that wasn't scanning. It either scans and works or you don't get to use the coupon. Taking away the digression and ability of managers and associates to adjust problems or errors is going to be the biggest headache for everyone.  If you thought Walmart was letting computers take over before, with their self check out sweeping out most of the check out lanes in our local Walmarts, we ain't seen nothin yet.

Wal-Mart Dominates U.S. Retail Economy
Getty Images

Just remember that the poor associate behind the register has no authority to make a change and should not be yelled at for corporates changes.

You can read all of the details here: Coupons In The News

If you need grocery help check this out: Utah Food Bank

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Another Amazing Cat Country Utah Winner: John Buck

attachment-congrats John Buck

We are making a collection of amazing winners here on Cat Country Utah. Our listeners contribute so much to the station and morning show. The connection to our community is what makes my job so fun.

John Buck is the latest winner of the Lifetime Smoker Grill from Cat Country Utah!

John Buck lives and works in Cedar City Utah and listens, texts and calls in every week. He is a party in a box, and has a positive outlook on life. He is a great photographer and loves sharing nature pictures with us.

He loves sharing about his sobriety and cheering on others. He is a good dude. So, congrats to one of our great radio contributors, John Buck! If you know him tell him he rocks. 

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